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Snare of Love novel Chapter 591

Before Mrs. Meyer could answer Tiana said angrily, “He’s a bad person.”

Mrs. Meyer hit her daughter lightly, “Hush, don’t say that right now. We need to save Charles first.”

How did Tiana know that John wasn’t a good person? Well, to be honest, her brother wasn’t a good person, so the person working under him wouldn’t be great either.

Anyone with a tad bit of conscience wouldn’t work with Declan.

Everyone knew that the club erected in the middle of the road belonged to Declan. Just like what Boyce said, the Bailey family was too powerful and influential. Hence, nobody dared to mess with Declan.

Even if they didn’t like what he was doing, nobody would say anything.

She and her siblings were brought up separately, they didn’t grow up together and weren’t too close with each other. They would meet up once in a while, but they weren’t as close as normal siblings.

They were just related by blood.

She didn’t know if Declan was in touch with her other sisters, but after this incident, she knew that Declan didn’t give a damn about emotional attachment among family members. He didn’t care about her and hence she would do the same.

She grabbed her daughter’s hand and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll stop seeing them after we rescue Charles.”

Tiana nodded.

They got into the car again. John sat in the third row on the right of the car and didn’t dare to make any unnecessary movement. He knew that they didn’t like him and so he tried to hide his presence as much as possible.

Mrs. Meyer called Declan, “I found him. Where are we meeting?”

Declan was holding the phone as he smiled while looking at Charles who sat opposite of him, he smirked, “I’m at the villa on the Second Ring Road. Come here.”

He hung up and sat down on the sofa, he laughed, “Say, you don’t know where John is hiding but your mother-in-law manages to find him within half a day. Is she just that good, or are you lying?”

Charles maintained emotionless. He assumed that Mrs. Meyer had tricked Tiana into telling her the truth, otherwise they wouldn’t have found John.

He sincerely wanted to help Dolores and never thought of asking anything back from her. Now that Mrs. Meyer went to her, he wondered if that would bring her trouble.

He was in a bad situation right now, but he was worried about Dolores instead. He was afraid that he would bring her trouble and afraid that Mrs. Meyer would figure out the truth.

“Tell me, why did you hide John?” Declan didn’t know that the relationship between Charles, Dolores, Matthew, and the others.

He only knew that Charles was his sister’s son-in-law and that he had a good reputation in White City. Nothing more nothing less.

Charles was quite well-known in White City, but he was a nobody in City B! So, Declan didn’t attach importance to him at all and just captured him without thinking.

“I’m telling you, I didn’t hide him. He got lost on his own, I didn’t do anything.” Charles lied without blinking. His facial expression maintained the same as if he was telling the truth.

Declan scoffed, “You’re telling me that he got out of the car and ran?”


“Lies, do you think he’s crazy? Why would he run around, knowing that someone was after him?”

Charles stayed calm, he said with the same tone of voice, “Possibly, maybe he went bonkers.”

Declan got mad and he held the glass in his hand tightly, almost shattering it into pieces. He glared at Charles and said after a long pause, “Don’t try to be clever with me. Your mother-in-law would be here soon. John would know best about what he did.”

Charles maintained his calm expression, “Even if he said that I was the one who threw him away, he wouldn’t have any evidence. Come to think of it, even if he said so, it wouldn’t 100% be the truth.”


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