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Snare of Love novel Chapter 592

In Tiana’s worldview, every father should be like hers. They would teach their children the hows and whys, teaching them to be a person with principle.

Mrs. Meyer sighed, she didn’t know how to explain to her daughter. Not every father in the world was as honest and kind-hearted as her father. Not every father could give their children all the love and protection they needed.

Because they had Tiana, they didn’t want a second child. Sometimes, she would ask her husband if he regretted the decision. Alan would always retort, “We already have a precious child.”

And she would have nothing to say.

Take her for an example, her father valued males and attached much less importance to females. He had 6 daughters before having a son. And he treated them very differently as if his son was his only child.

She and her sisters were sent to their relative’s houses when they were young. Even after they grew up, their father didn’t pay too much attention to them. He put all his heart into his son.

“Tiana, once we get Charles back, you should go with him to White City and never come back.” Mrs. Meyer didn’t ask too much of her daughter, she just wanted her to be safe and healthy. She didn’t wish for her to achieve anything big. Tiana was her only daughter, she and her husband couldn’t leave too much money for her after they passed on, but it would be enough for her to live a carefree life.

Mrs. Meyer was working too, even though she retired early recently. She received a pension every month and was educated. If Charles and her daughter were to go back to White City, she could still search for another job.

“I’ll listen to what Charles says,” replied Tiana. If Charles wanted to leave, then she would leave. If Charles wanted to stay, then she would stay with him.

“Madam, missus, we have arrived.” The driver parked in front of the entrance of the villa. They turned around and said to the mother and daughter.

Mrs. Meyer nodded, “Go knock on the door.”

The driver turned off the car engine, got out of the car, and went to knock on the door.

Soon, the door was opened. The servant inquired about their identity and the driver told them who Mrs. Meyer was. The servant then passed the message on to Declan.

Declan knew that Mrs. Meyer was here. He glanced at Charles and laughed, “Your mother-in-law cares about you.”

Charles didn’t say anything. Mrs. Meyer and Alan treated him very well and thought of him as family.

He felt apologetic towards Mrs. Meyer. Because of this incident, Declan was even ruder to her.

Declan had his hands in his pockets as he walked out slowly. Mrs. Meyer told her daughter to stay in the car and she got out alone.

“Where is John?” Declan asked for John the moment he saw Mrs. Meyer. He didn’t even bother to make small talk with his sister.

“Where is Charles?” asked Mrs. Meyer in return, seeing that Declan was alone.

Declan laughed, “Hey, seriously though. Is there no other man in the world? Why did you let Tiana marry a cripple?”

Mrs. Meyer’s face turned grim, “That’s none of your business.”

“Why are you mad? I’m just caring for you and Tiana.” Declan didn’t even know that he said something wrong. He was just thinking that Tiana could marry a normal man.

“You didn’t grow up in the Bailey family, but you’re still part of the family. It would be easy to find a normal man for Tiana. I don’t understand, what’s so good about the cripple?”

“It’s none of your business, please don’t worry about it. Where is Charles?” They chose Charles because he was sincere towards their daughter, and their daughter liked him a lot too.

As long as Tiana liked him and he was nice to her, nothing else mattered. Regarding his body, he was just crippled. If he wasn’t, in Mrs. Meyer’s eyes he would be perfect.

Mrs. Meyer liked her son-in-law more and more as time went by. She thought he was a perfect match for her daughter.

Tiana was listening to their conversation from inside the car. She clenched her hands together angrily. She hated it when others called Charles a cripple.

Mrs. Meyer didn’t want to waste any more of her time with Declan, “John is here, give me Charles.”

Declan proceeded to open the door. At the same time, John was about to get out of the car. The car door opened the moment he touched the car lock. It was too sudden and he wasn’t expecting it. He was hurt and his reaction was slower. Hence, he fell out of the car when the car door was open and landed right next to Declan’s foot.

“Mr. Bailey, you have to take revenge for me.” John grabbed Declan’s pants as if he was his life-saving buoy.

Declan frowned, he almost didn’t recognize John. Armand didn’t pay attention to where he hit, John’s face was swollen all over, “What happened to you?”

“I don’t know. Suddenly, I was in Matthew and Co.’s hands. They are not human…” He shivered in fear remembering how he got beaten up. He still had lingering fear, “I’m lucky to still be alive, I almost died…”

John started to cry.

Declan’s face twisted, he kicked John and yelled, “You’re a man, stop sobbing!”

John quickly shut himself up and didn’t dare to talk anymore.

Declan was mad that John was captured by Matthew. He just told Charles that Matthew couldn’t even find John. And he was wrong!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he felt. It was all John’s fault for being useless.

“You’re saying that the wounds on your body were because of Matthew?” said Declan coldly.


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