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Snare of Love novel Chapter 593

John shot Charles a fierce glare. If not because of his face was beyond recognition, his ferocious look could be seen.

He knew very clearly that if he admitted, he would die, therefore he could only deny it. "No, they didn't interrogate me. They beat me up because I bullied that woman. That woman seemed to be Armand Bernie's girlfriend."

After Armand beat him, he understood the reason why Armand was angry. He cared about that woman very much and she must be his girlfriend. That was why he was so angry that he wanted to kill him.

John hugged Declan's leg. "You have to believe me. That goddamn lame is just trying to stir up a discord. You must not believe him."

Declan squatted down, raised his chin, narrowed his eyes and asked, "Did they really not interrogate you?"

John shook his head. "No, even if they did, I wouldn't say anything that’s against you."

Declan snorted. "If you dare to betray me, I’ll throw you into the sea to feed the fish!" Declan's evil words made John shuddered.

Charles watched them quietly and was not provoked when others struck his sore spot. He had gone calm towards it after hearing it several times.

"I’ve fulfilled my promise. Shouldn't Mr. Bailey return my man now?"

Declan turned around, glimpsed at him and gave him an address to let him find his man by himself. He asked his subordinates to send John to the hospital.

Charles did not leave immediately, but asked, "I suppose Mr. Bailey didn't harm my man?"

Declan shoved his hands into his pockets and smiled. "You’re a lame, what if I really did do it? I won't do it if he’s willing to talk."

He interrogated the man named Tom and asked where John had gone. He kept his mouth tightly shut and did not say anything. When he asked him whether Charles and Matthew knew each other, he refused to say anything too. Declan got angry and he asked someone to beat him up.

Charles slowly clenched his fists on the armrests and he rumbled, "He's just someone who takes care of me. He doesn't know anything. How dare you do it?"

Declan came over and looked at him up and down. Finally, he fixed his eyes on his legs, laughed, and soon hid away his smile. "Why, do you want to avenge me?"

"If you’re willing to apologize to Tom, I can consider forgiving you." Charles directly ignored his eyes.

"Tut, you’re overestimating yourself!" Declan did not pay attention to Charles at all. The scoundrel of White City was nothing in City B.

He asked his men to take John to the hospital.

Charles's eyes were cold and gloomy. He stared at Declan and said nothing in the end. He turned his wheelchair and went towards the car.

He understood it was no use trying to sound harsh. Action speaks louder than words.

He got into the car under the help of the chauffeur. He then asked the chauffeur to take him to the place where Tom was captivated.

He did not look good. Tiana sat beside him and held his hand. "It's alright. Let's go back to White City today."

She did not want to be here. She was afraid something else would happen.

Charles smiled blandly and reached out to touch her cheek. "Why, you don’t want your parents anymore?"

"I can come back anytime I miss them, and they could come visit me too." She was inexplicably upset. She just wanted to leave quickly. "That's what my mother said too. She hoped we can go to White City."

Charles looked up at Mrs. Meyer.

"That’s what I thought. This place is full of troubles. You'd better take Tiana to White City. Your father and I could visit you when we miss you both." Mrs. Meyer expressed her attitude.

It was not far from White City anyway, and the transportation was convenient now.

"It's okay. I want to spend more time with you." Charles smiled, no one could read his real thoughts.

Mrs. Meyer was afraid that he cared about what happened this time and she said, "Well, since we’re the ones who lost track of the person first, it's reasonable for him to be angry. Everything's all right now, so let's pretend nothing has happened."

Mrs. Meyer did not directly ask about the relationship between Charles and Matthew in front of her daughter.

If they did not have any relationship, Charles would not hand Declan's man to Matthew.

Even though they did have something to do with each other, Matthew did not act too friendly to Charles.


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