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Suddenly There Are Three (Bailey and Artemis) novel Chapter 1109

Chapter 1109 Stomp Her Feet In Anger

The black-clad bodyguard nodded and asked, "What rumor?"

Faceless lowered her gaze to the porcelain bottle in her hand, a cryptic smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

"So, the son of Bailey's mentor has fallen into the hands of a certain underground organization. They want her to exchange something she holds for him, but she refuses, disregarding the fate of her mentor's son."

The black-clad bodyguard looked at her with a hint of confusion, tentatively asking, "If we spread the rumor this way, won't they trace it back to you? There's also the risk that if the item for exchange is revealed, the secret of The Art of Semblance might be exposed, leading to countless people fighting over it."

Faceless chuckled coldly. "Don't worry. Bailey is extremely cautious. She keeps the secrets of The Art of Semblance tightly under wraps. She won't let them slip out. Even if we take a step back and assume the secret gets out, that item will ultimately end up in my possession. After all, I have Traceless' son."

The black-clad bodyguard agreed, "You're right. I'll take care of it right away."

"Alright. Go ahead and stir up public opinion to its peak. I want to use the voices of outsiders to pressure Bailey into handing over The Art of Semblance to save Traceless' son."


Inside the master bedroom of the Shurmer residence, Artemis was leaning against the head of the bed, reading a book. Hearing the sound of a car horn outside, he quickly got up and walked over to the floor-to-ceiling window.

Looking down, he saw Cameron helping Bailey out of the car. A flicker of light flashed in his eyes.

She had gone to find Rebecca, and he had been quite worried, afraid that the woman would speak recklessly and expose his identity.

But on second thought, he really didn't need to be that nervous.

If Rebecca wasn't foolish, she wouldn't reveal his identity.

Because once Bailey realized that their relationship was merely professional, any grudges in her heart would instantly vanish, which would bring no benefits to her.

Three minutes later, the door swung open and Bailey walked in from outside.

Her face was somewhat pale as she had vomited a few times on the road earlier. She was completely drained. It would be strange if she was feeling well.

After entering the room, she went straight to the bed and lay down, resting with her eyes closed.

Seeing her blatantly ignore him, Artemis couldn't help but laugh.

It seems she is determined to give me the silent treatment indefinitely.

If I don't come clean about my relationship with Rebecca, she might continue to be upset like this.

In the past, it wouldn't have mattered.

But now, things were ultimately different. She was with child, and this suppressed frustration was causing her the greatest distress, a pain that he too deeply felt.

He strolled over to the edge of the bed, bent down to lift her upper body, and then sat behind her, cradling her entire being in his arms.

With her eyes closed, Bailey said somewhat angrily, "You think your son hasn't caused enough trouble, so you're eagerly stepping in to stir things up even more, is that it?"

Artemis raised his eyebrows, his broad palm resting on her lower abdomen. He asked softly, "It's a son?"

Bailey abruptly opened her eyes. "How would I know?"

"You clearly said it was a boy just now."

Bailey stared at him, not saying a word.

She just had a feeling that she was carrying a boy.

It was still early, so even she couldn't figure it out unless a blood test was done.

Artemis saw that she was truly upset. She figured that Rebecca must have said something to provoke her.

"All right, since you're so upset, I'll be cruel if I keep things from you any longer. Calm down. I'll tell you everything you want to know."

Chapter 1109 1

Chapter 1109 2


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