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Surrender to the don's embrace (Gio and Millie) novel Chapter 4


After dinner, the men gathered in the lounge to indulge in drinks, smoking, and discussions of various matters. Meanwhile, I returned to my room but found sleep elusive. Driven by a sudden whim, I donned a bathrobe over my pajamas and quietly slipped downstairs, guided by the secret passage concealed behind the lounge wall. This hidden escape route was a precaution my Grandfather had taken, as the lounge and office were the preferred meeting spots for the male members of our family. It struck me as I descended whether there were any plans for the women if they needed to escape.

Upon reaching the secret door, I encountered Harper, who was already there, her eye pressed against the peephole. She turned to me, wide-eyed but relieved at my arrival.

In a hushed voice, I asked her, "What's happening in there? I don't want the men to hear us."

Harper made way for me to look through the second peephole. "Most of them have left already. Father and Ruberti are discussing details with Agatone Merante. Only Gio and his entourage are still present."

I squinted through the peephole, affording me a perfect view of the chairs gathered around the fireplace. Gio leaned casually against the marble ledge, sipping Scotch, while his brother Sebastian lounged with a wolfish grin on his face. Valerio and the second bodyguard, Dario, occupied the other armchairs.

Sebastian’s words seemed intended to provoke Gio. "It could have been worse. She could have been ugly. But, holy fuck, your little fiancée is an apparition. That dress, that body, that hair, and face. Wow!"

Gio remained dismissive, claiming, "She's a child." I was indignant at his description but relieved that he didn't view me like a woman.

However, Sebastian continued his teasing, questioning Valerio, "What do you say? Is Gio blind?"

Valerio gave a cautious glance at Gio before shrugging, "I didn't look at her closely."

Sebastian turned to Dario, seeking his opinion, but the latter quickly averted his gaze.

Amidst the laughter, Sebastian remarked, "Gio, did you threaten to cut their dicks off if they looked at the girl? You're not even married to her."

"She's mine," Gio responded quietly, sending shivers down my spine. His possessive tone and intense gaze made me uneasy. He then directed his attention to Sebastian, reminding him that they would be in New York for the next three years while I remained here. Gio realized he couldn't keep an eye on me at all times and contemplated employing eunuchs to watch over me.

An idea struck Gio, and he asked Valerio to locate the two men responsible for guarding me. Surprisingly, I didn't know I had two guards, as I had only been familiar with Enrique, who had protected me and my sisters for years.

Valerio swiftly left and returned with Enrique and Spencer, both looking displeased at being summoned like dogs by someone from New York. Father arrived shortly after, demanding to know the reason for the gathering.

"I want to talk to the men you chose to protect what's mine," Gio asserted.

Harper huffed beside me, but I silenced her, aware that revealing the secret door's location would not sit well with Father.

"I want to decide for myself if I trust them," Gio declared, causing me to hold my breath. It was a near-insult, without openly disrespecting my father. Father's lips tightened, but he gave a curt nod and remained in the room. Gio stepped up to Enrique, and a tense atmosphere filled the space.

"I hear you're good with the knife," Gio said.

"The best," Father interjected, eliciting a twitch in Gio's jaw.

"Not as good as your brother, as rumor has it," Enrique replied, nodding towards Sebastian, who smirked in response. "But better than any other man in our territory," Enrique eventually admitted.

"Are you married?" Gio inquired.

Enrique nodded. "For twenty-one years."

Chapter 4 1


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