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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 109

Chapter 109 

After a moment of silence, Kevan conceded. Sull yourself.” 

He settled down and lay lat on the bed, pulling the blanket up to his chin and closing his eyes lightly

By the time Kevan was done with his IV drip, it was already dark outside

Dylan drove on the way back with Kevan sitting in the back seat

Due to their unpleasant interaction just now, Larissa chose to sit in the passenger seal

Closing his eyes to rest, Kevan remained silent throughout the drive

While driving, Dylan invited Larissa to have dinner at his house. Dinner is already prepared,” he said

Larissa yawned and declined his offer. I just want to go home and sleep now.” 

She couldn’t stay awake any longer

Alright Dylan didn’t insist 

Larissa got out of the car first, while Dylan and Kevan remained inside

Which acquaintance did you meet? Dylan turned to Kevan with a serious expression. Is it someone from your family?” 

Kevan was not the type of person who would chat with acquaintances outside of work. Besides his family members. Dylan couldn’t think of anyone else who would make Kevan voluntarily leave the ward 

However, Kevan gave him a negative answer. No.” 

Then who was it? Dylan was quite puzzled, Did you lie to Larissa about seeing someone you know? He thought the latter was more likely

Kevan wrapped his coat tightly around himself and opened the car door, evading the question, Let’s go back and have dinner. I’m hungry.” 

Larissa slept for a long time

It wasn’t until the alarm clock rang in the morning that she woke up from her dream

This vi 

was her first day back to work after taking a leave of absence. In addition, it was also the first time she was going to meet her colleagues after the scandal was exposed

On the way to the hotel she mentally prepared herself for the condemning looks, but to her surprise, no one treated her any differently. than before

Everyone she encountered expressed sympathy for her and condemned the despicable behavior of the Hardy family, offering words of comfort

Ms. Seymour, welcome back 

You’ve been through a lot these past few days!” 

We knew you couldn’t be as what that awful woman described

That old woman is deplorable! Her own son did so many terrible things, and yet she dared to place all the blame on you!” 

Fortunately, the truth prevailed in the end. Ms. Seymour, it must feel great to prove them wrong!” 


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