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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 110

Chapter 110 

An elegant middleaged lads walked in

The instant the deer was closed, her face twisted inte a ferocious expression of anger and hatred

Longforgotten memories flooded Larissa’s mind like a tidal wave, causing lier eyes in willen in fear

Aheavy she landed on Larissa’s face, making a loud cracking sound

Although the force of the slap wasn’t as strong as she remembered IL Larissa could stil lest the burning pain on her cheek

Are you proud of bringing shame upon your whole family? After all these years, you are still being a troublemaker and robbing me of my peacel Can’t you leam from your sister?” 

Larissa was reminded of the familiar barrage of criticism that bombarded her. There were barely any changes in the script

Out of reflex. Larissa was about to apologize, but she managed to stop herself in time

She was no longer the helpless young girl who had to depend on the charity of others and constantly needed to cater to their wishes

Now that she was an adult, she could be independent and stand up for hersel 

Most importantly, she had nothing to do with these people anymore

Larissa tried to smink, but her twitching cheek muscles and the burning pain made her wince involuntarily, resulting in a strange grimace

Do you remember the last thing you said to me?Larissa asked

The last time they met Yvelle Xander had forced Larissa to kneel on the ground, slapping her mercilessly

Get lost! The farther you go, the better! Don’t appear in front of me ever again! You are no daughter of mine!” 

Yvette’s cruel words were like knives that pierced Larissa’s heart. The emotional wounds that her mother inflicted on her were but deep

a memory that she would never forget

Naturally, Yvette remembered that incident as well

Sneering, she said. if it weren’t for the big fuss you kicked up and made me the target ofridicule from your father’s relatives do you think! would come to lind you willingly? Back then, it seemed like you had such confidence to run away from home and cut off ties with the family. I must have overestimated you, thinking that you could start a good life on your own! You even said that you wanted the right to choose a spouse! What a joke! Now that you have the ability to choose, what’s the result? You married a leech and got involved with a bunch of troublesome lunatics 

Since her youth. Larissa had been the target of Yveltes anger and harsh words, so much so that she was numb to her mother’s mockery 

Emotionlessly, Larissa replied. Whether I’m Iving a good life or who I marry, that has nothing to do with you.” 

For so many years. Yvette hadn’t cared about her at all. The nonexistent motherdaughter bond between them had long been erased by the passage of time

Pointing at Larissa, Yvette screamed. If you want to cut all all lies with me, go and change your name! Don’t let anyone know that you’re 

my daughter

Alright,Larissa agreed calmly. Til go to the police station tomorrow,” 

Yvette tumed scarlet with anger

Her ips trembling, Yvette swung her hand at Larissa’s face and gave her another slap

Larissa held her stinging cheek, tears welling up in lier eyes uncontrollably


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