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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 115

Chapter 115 

Outside the apartment building was a supermarket. Most families slaying at Foxtail Garden had their own nanny, and they rarely cooked. These nannies usually came here early to buy the ingredients they needed that day

Therefore, when Larissa and Kevan amived, there weren’t a lot of customers, and most ingredients were gone, leaving a lew vegetables on the shelves

Kevan brought a lobster, steak and some seasonings to save time. When they arrived at the cashier, a woman came in from outside and saw Kevan. She asked in surprise. Mr. Rogers? Why are you here?” 

Larissa looked over to see a woman around her fillies. She had a grocery bag on her shoulder, so she had to be someone’s nanny

I’m buying some ingredients.Kevan took his credit card back from the cashier before putting everything in the bag

The woman looked at him and then at Larissa. Do you need me to prepare dinner tonight?” 

Kevan replied, No.” 

The lady nodded repeatedly and said, Okay!” 

Then, she looked at Larissa again

When they left the supermarket, Kevan told her about the woman. Dylan hired her to cook.” 

Larissa had guessed it, so she wasn’t surprised

Is Mr. Shields coming back soon? Should we wait for him for dinner? Although Larissa suggested this casualy, the atmosphere suddenly became cold

He won’t be back early. Don’t think about him,Kevan didn’t stop and walked forward quickly

In the kitchen, Kevan simply bolled the seafood with some cooking wine and ginger. Then, he took out a pan from the kitchen cabinet and prepared to cook the steak

Actually, Larissa wasn’t confident in his cooking skills. He had several positions and managed all kinds of activities daily. So, he must not have cooked a lot. She could see how hard it was for him to chop up ginger

Why don’t I do it? Larissa accompanied him into the kitchen, and Kevan failed to make her leave

It’s line.He unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up to show his muscular arms. Then, he stood behind her and guarded her head

Don’t move.He opened the cabinet above her to get an apron. In just a few seconds, from the moment he touched her. Larissa felt her 

body stiffen, and her heart pound

Even after he left, she was still in a daze

Help me tie this,she heard Kevan say and quickly turned back

At this moment, Kevan had his back against her. When she turned to look at him, she found an apron around his neck, and two strings 

were hanging on his waist

Oh!Larissa extended her hand to grab the two strings and seriously gave him a beautiful bow

It’s done.Just as Larissa finished, she heard a sneer

You two look like a married couple.It was Dylan. Both of them were clueless as to when he returned. At this moment, he was leaning against the shoe cabinet at the door, looking at them with a smile

Larissa was surprised by his appearance and shuddered


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