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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 116

Chapter 116 

Dylan deliberately emphasized the word girlfriendand dragged out the end syllable of the word

Larissa’s face tumed red, and she immediately explained, Julia misunderstood the situation.” 

I don’t think it’s a misunderstanding. Aren’t you Kevan’s girlfriend?Dylan showed a sincere expression

Just as Larissa was about to retort, he added, Your contract wasn’t signed for nothing

That made Larissa shut up. Then, Dylan rapped on the table and addressed Kevan, who had been standing in place after he entered the house. Aren’t you going to panfry the steak?” 

Kevan shot him a warning glare and said, I didn’t prepare anything for you.” 

Well I don’t like steak anyway.Dylan acted as if he didn’t understand the meaning of his words as he looked at the steaming pot. T have some sealood instead.” 

Kevan couldn’t scold him in front of Larissa, so he temporarily suppressed his anger and scooped a spoonful of butter into the pan. Dylan had no intention of stopping and said, I need to use the washroom. Take off your slippers, and let me wear them.No!Kevan didn’t turn to look at him

Why are you so stingy? Dylan glared at him and muttered in dissatisfaction. We’ve been friends for so many years. Now that you’ve moved, you didn’t even prepare a pair of slippers for me. Both of you have slippers, and I’m the only one barelant. Don’t you feel ashamed?” 

Kevan didn’t care, but Larissa was anxious

Mr. Shields, why don’t you wear mine?” 

No way!” 

Don’t let him!” 

Kevan and Dylan spoke simultaneously, their gazes locked on each other. After an intense exchange of glances. Dylan was the first to avert his eyes

Your slippers are too small and pink. They’re not suitable for me.he commented to Larissa 

Aren’t you going to the washroom? What if there’s water on the floor, and you get your socks wet? Larissa asked, removing her slippers as she spoke. Her genuine concem made Dylan feel embarrassed

I was joking. There are disposable sippers in the shor cabinet. I just don’t like wearing those.Then, he walked over to the entrance and retrieved a pair of disposable slippers

Disposable slippers? Larissa was shocked. She had only seen them in hotels, and it was uncommon for people to have them at home

You’re clueless, huh?Dylan laughed. The things Kevan prepares for his quests are cisposable.” 

Larissa glanced down at her feet, feeling helpless

Don’t t you need to use the washroom? Why are you being so talkative? Kevan linally couldn’t tolerate him anymore

Dylan chortled gleefully and said, Okay, okay. Fine. I’ll stop talking.” 


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