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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 155

Chapter 155 

Are you a resident here?the taller officer asked Maria upon hearing her conversation with Larissa

Yes, I am,Maria replied as she turned and pointed at her apartment. I live right across.” 

Then, do you know her? The officer pointed at Larissa

Of course I do! We’ve been neighbors for over a year! I got to know her when she came over every day during the renovation,Maria clarified confidently

What if you two are colluding? the middleaged man questioned

Maria walked directly to the opposite apartment without ultering a word, opened the door with her keys, and called. Honey.” 

Hey her husband cheerfully greeted. Working overtime again today? Why are you back so late?” 

The miccleaged man had nothing to say after witnessing this exchange

The officer then coldly instructed the middleaged man, Call the landlord and have them come over for questioning.” 

on the other end. It 

Reluctantly, the man made a call in front of everyone, putting it on speaker, Larissa immediately recognized the voice on the was Travis mother. Janine

It’s you. John. What’s the matter? Janine’s voice sounded friendly

The man glanced at Larissa and explained. Well there’s a woman here who claims that your deed is take and that she is the real owner. Can you come over now?” 

How can my deed be lake?Janine’s tone changed immediately. That’s my son’s property, and his name is clearly written on il! Didn’t you all see it?” 

The man confimed by saying, My wife and I did see it and it’s genuine.” 

Larissa took the phone from him and spoke into the microphone located at the bottom of the phone. Janine, it’s Larissa.” 

There was an instant silence on the other end, but the screen still showed call in progress, indicating that Janine was istening. Larissa continued, I paid for this house with all my money. Travis didn’t contribute a single dime, and he legally transfered the properly under his name. Even before his accident. I had sued him, and the court ruled in my lavor, returning the house to me. Sc. the derd you have is invalid. You have no right to rent out my house.” 

There was complete silence on Janine’s end as she processed the information. Soor aller, she started shouting at the top of her lungs. Why should I usten to you?! This is my son’s house! his name is clearly written on the deed! You wicked woman! You’ve ruined my whole family, and now you want to steal my son’s house too! You shameless bitch!” 

I don’t want to argue with you,Larissa repled calmy. It would be best if you could return the rent and penally lees to the tenants and have them move cut. Otherwise, it will look bad on you if we have to go to court again.” 


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