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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 156

Chapter 156 

After the poice had left the middleaged man immediately changed his demeanor. He stood with his hands on his hips and arrogantly declared, I don’t care who owns this house. I signed the contract and paid three monthsrent. I’m not going to move out before the tenancy expires

He then slammed the door shut with no intention of discussing a resolution with Larissa Later, Larissa called and explained the situation to the real estate agent and entrusted Dylan to send a lawyer’s letter to Janine. She learned that Andrew had temporarily suspended his studies and returned to his hometown with his parents. He’d paid off his debts and hired someone to renovate a new house using the one million dollars given by Yvette. However, despite having enough money, they stil greedly held onto the rent of over ten thousand dollars

People are never satisfied. They’re just greedy!Dylan twirled his pen and chuckled. Aller all who would complain about having too much money in this world

Larissa simply pursed her lips and remained silent

What about your sister?Dylan suddenly brought up Lana out of the blue. Is she slit, working at Microworks Corporation? I think I saw her in the stall canten a couple of days ago.” 

Lanssa nodded. Yeah, she’s working as an agent at StreamWave Studios” 

Why?He furrowed his brows when he heard that, clearly puzzled by the situation. When I went to Zero’s studio the other day. I had a chat with her assistant and she told me that the basic salary for all agents is quite Inw-.st a little over four thousand collars. I mean, you can indeed eam a decent salary if you’re managing a popular anchor like Zero, with tors al thousands in commissions every month. But with your sister’s qualifications, she’ll probably be in charge of newcomers only. In that case, there are hardly any earnings from commissions. But in Covenford, four thousand dollars a month is barely enough for rent and meals. She might not even be able to afford to eat meat offer. Why would she come here to do such a job considering her family background?” 

She wants to live independently after spending too long in a golden cage. It’s not that bad of an idea, I suppose.Larissa smiled

Did she tell you that herself?He raised an eyebrow, seemingly skeptical of the reasoning

Yeah, Why do you ask, though?” 

He smirked with a hint of mockery. I have to say, her cea of living independently is quite challenging.” 

Larissa knew that Dylan knew something she wasnt aware of judging by his confident repression. 50. out of curiosity, she asked, Why would you say that

About a week ago, Mr. Rogers and I were about to leave In the morning when we ran into her downstairs. It seemed like she had been waiting for quite a while because her face and hands were red from the cold. As soon as she saw us, she came over all exclied and asked If we could give her a ride because she didn’t know how to get to the subway station. I lound it quite absurd, you know? I mean, she actually preferred to stand outside in the cold wird wiling for us instead of trying to find the way hersell. After all we have the convenience of GPS navigation nowadays.” 

He then shrugged. I was planning to give her a ride just to be polite because she was your sister, but Mr. Rogers insisted that she was dirty and wouldn’t allow her in the car due to his germaphobia. She no longer wailed for us after that, but I have been seeing Lucascar parked outside the gate every morning. I’m guessing he’s the one picking her up now.‘ 

So, it appeared that Lucas and Lana had reconciled. No wonder Lucas hadn’t been persistently calling Larissa lately


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