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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 157

Chapter 157 

After Larissa exchanged pleasantries with Zero’s agent and assistant, she handed out snacks to each of them and asked cautiously. Am! interrupting something?” 

Well I’m not starting my livestream until 7 pm, so I’m not working yet. How could you be interrupting me?” Zero teasingly smiled as she opened a bag of chips

Well, I noticed you guys seemed to be discussing something serious earlier. That was why Larissa wasn’t entirely sure if she had interrupted them

Not at all Zero’s agent Raina, waved her hands repeatedly. Actually, we were gossiping.” 

Maggie, Zero’s assistant, chimed in. Yeah, whenever we need to gossip about something, we pretend to be having a meeting.” 

Larissa was rendered speechless. She felt like she couldn’t keep up with the way young people thought nowadays. What were you discussing, then?she casually asked

There’s a new agent, who recently joined StreamWave Studios. She seems to have a strong background. The two small anchors she manages only have a few tens of thousands of followers and aren’t particularly skilled at gaming. But somehow, they landed an endorsement deal with Yenti Clan and are set to earn several million dollars in annual endorsement fees.Raina sounded somewhat resentful 

What is Yenti Clan? Larissa wasn’t familiar with the gaming industryshe had never heard of the brand before

They’re the best company in the country for gaming peripherals,Raina explained. Ever since Zero started live streaming, she has been using their sponsored keyboards, headphones, mouses, and even gaming chairs. We have been cooperating for so many years, and Zero has even helped them sell a lot of products. Yet, they never approached Zero for an endorsement deal it’s really frustrating.” 

But didn’t the company say they don’t need any spokespersons before?Maggie asked

Yes! That’s what I’ve been saying. Lana must have connections Raina rolled her eyes. 

Lana?Larissa didn’t expect the three of them to be gossiping about her sister

Why? Do you know her? Zero asked

Larissa didn’t want to reveal her relationship with Lana, so she answered vaguely, Yeah, you could say that.” 

Raina and Maggie immediately showed great interest. Then, do you know who her connections are?? 

Larissa shook her head. I’m not sure about that.” 

Immediately, they looked utterly disappointed 

Suddenly, Maggie slammed the table, startling the others. I heard from my classmate, who works in the presidential office, that just before Lana joined our company, she met with the boss, and he even brought her into his office! So, I’m guessing her connection is the boss himsel” 


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