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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 223

Chapter 223 

Larissa moved into Kevan’s place, and since she didn’t have many belongings, the move was relatively easy. They only had to make two trips, and it was all settled

Kevan didn’t want to push his luck, so he arranged for her to stay in the guest room next to the master bedroom

Once they were settled, Larissa took the marriage certificate from her bag and placed it on the table. She snapped a photo of it with her phone and went to the study to find Kevan. Can we take a selfie, please?” 

Kevan was busy with pending company matters on his computer, but he promptly released the mouse upon hearing her request. Intrigued, he raised a brow and asked, What kind of selfie do you have in mind?” 

She hesitated for a moment as she struggled to find the right words before saying, Uma more intimate one.Her face turned red as soon as she finished speaking

Sure,Kevan generously agreed. He rose to his feet and walked over to her side, asking, How intimate would you like it to be?” 

He maintained a safe distance from her and used his normal tone to mask the excitement in his heart 

Larissa hesitated again. She licked her dry lips and whispered, We can just lean our heads on each other.” 

Upon hearing her suggestion, Kevan took a big step toward the door and replied. Then, let’s take the selfie in the living room.” 

She followed him quickly and sat beside him on the couch

Although she had suggested the idea of leaning their heads together, she hesitated in the moment and couldn’t bring herself to act for quite some time. Her body stiffened, and she grappled with internal conflict. Finally mustering the courage, she attempted to inch closer to Kevan, but her touch merely grazed his arm without getting any closer

tioned it to capture both of their 

She raised her arm with her phone in hand and carefully faces on the screen. Looking at the front camera, she could clearly see a noticeable gap between their heads

Is this what you meant by taking a selfie side by side?Kevan teased as he lowered his gaze to look at her

-She laughed awkwardly, trying to salvage the situation. Welllet’s just take it like this, okay?” 

Just like this? Do you think anyone would believe we’re a married couple?Kevan gazed directly into her eyes on the phone screen, and his stare was intense enough for her to feel it through the screen. It ignited a burning sensation within her, prompting her to anxiously avert her gaze

Forget it. Let’s not take it,she said, wanting to back away

Just as she was about to stand up, she felt a firm grip around her waist. A strong force pulled her back, and she stumbled into his arms. He took the phone from her hands and raised it in front of 

Chap 223 

them. His chin rested on the top of her head, and his smile was much more relaxed than when they were at the City Hall

Her face pressed against his chest, and she could hear nothing but his steady heartbeat. She even caught a whiff of his fresh scent and was momentarily distractedshe became uncertain whether this moment was real or not. Kevan pinched her waist dissatisfiedly, bringing her back to reality


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