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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 224

Chapter 224 

Larissa was captivated as she looked at the selfies, feeling her heart racing

How do they look? Are they good?Kevan asked, leaning in closer to get a better view of the photos on the phone. His warm breath brushed against her face, tickling her senses

The instant she realized the proximity and her disarray, she quickly moved a foot away, trying to distance herself from his embrace. Only then did her heartbeat gradually return to normal 

They turned out great,she replied nervously, avoiding his gaze. Despite noticing her reaction

Kevan remained composed. He smiled and said, That’s good.” 

She forced herself to focus solely on her phone, intentionally avoiding looking at Kevan, who was sitting beside her. She selected one of the photos Kevan took and uploaded it with the marriage certificate to her Facebook post, restricting its visibility to Lana alone. Accompanied by the caption, We’re married!Larissa concluded with a cute emoji to add to the effect

Kevan watched as she made the post on her Facebook, yet he couldn’t locate it on his own feed no matter how many times he refreshed it. Gradually, a thought began to form in his mind. Did you block me?His face darkened, and his tone turned unpleasant

Larissa was momentarily stunned before realizing what his words meant. No, I adjusted the privacy setting so that only Lana can see my post

Kevan had mentioned keeping their marriage a secret from everyone except their families, and she needed a way to inform the Seymour family. However, this frustrated Kevan a bit. He also wanted to post on his Facebook and tell the whole world about their marriage, but it wasn’t 


Delete it and repost it so that I can see itand include Dylan in your privacy setting too,he said

At least in that case, he would have the illusion that she was sharing this good newswith everyone if he could see her post. It would help him deceive himself. Since his request wasn’t unreasonable, she promptly fulfilled it. Upon seeing the post, he immediately liked it and was followed by Dylan

It took a while before Lana messaged her. Larissa, did you really marry Mr. Rogers?” 

Yeah.Larissa even took a screenshot of the 20 million dollar deposit message and sent it to Lana There you go, the 20 million dowry, not a penny less. Much more generous than the Cole family,” 

she boasted

In the end, Lana didn’t reply, leaving Larissa somewhat disappointed

Around 6 pm, Kevan came knocking on the door. He was dressed neatly, even his hair was meticulously groomed. “Get ready. We’re going out for dinner,he said. When Larissa moved in, she inspected his refrigerator and discovered it contained only bottled water and beer. She had planned to organize things and go grocery shopping but got busy and forgot about it until now. It was already late, and the chances of finding highquality groceries were slim. So, going out for dinner was their only option


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