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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 313

Chapter 313 

After dinner, Violet showed no intention of leaving. Larissa, who needed to rest and recover, went to bed promptly at 8.30 pm every night as Kevan wouldn’t allow her to stay up even for a minute longer

Once Larissa was asleep. Violet turned off the TV, patted the empty space beside her, and beckoned Kevan to come over

Come and sit here. I want to talk to you.” 

Kevan sat down with a puzzled expression. His mother’s serious expression made him feel a bit uneasy

What is it?” 

When do you and Larissa plan to have children? Violetasked without beating around the bush

Kevan wasn’t mentally prepared at all hence he was stunned into silence

After a moment, he answered, We don’t want children.” 

The topic was serious and carried too much weight. He had originally planned to wait until his family fully accepted Larissa before bringing it up. By that time, even if they weren’t happy about it they wouldn’t have the idea of making him give up on Larissa. But he didn’t expect his mother to suddenly bring it up

He didn’t want to le to her, but he also didn’t want his mother to have any objections toward Larissa because of this

I don’t want children,he said, taking all the responsibility upon himself

Why?” Volet exclaimed in shock, Do you know what you’re saying?” 

I know.Kevan replied, calm despite his mother’s agitation. I don’t like children. They’re too noisy.” 

You’re too young to understand Violet shook her head. Your father used to have the same thoughts as you. He thought children were troublesome and noisy, and gave him a headache! But he wasn’t as extreme as you. He just discussed it with me, saying that we should wait a little longer to have children. I pretended to agree, but later I used a needle to poke holes in all the condoms in the house and successfully got pregnant with you. When you were just born, you were so ugly that I couldn’t stand it, but your father” 

Recalling the old memory, she burst into laughter, He would sit by your cradle every day, and whenever you cried, he would pick you up and soothe you. He had much more patience with you than I did! At that time, besides breastfeeding, he did everythingchanging diapers. bathing you putting you to sleep. He took care of everything and enjoyed it!” 

It was Kevan’s first time hearing about the secret of his birth and his father’s tender side 

So, you can’t firmly reject having children just because you don’t like them now. I think. Violet pondered for a moment and proposed a solution. You can discuss it with Larissa and start by raising a pet first. Once you get used to the feeling of being a parent, you might not 

reject children anymore.” 

No pets,Kevan immediately refused without hesitation. They’re too troublesome and a waste of time.” 

Violet raised her hand and knocked him on the head. It’s fine if you don’t want pets, but not having children is absolutely not an option! Let me make it clear. If you don’t have children, you’ll stop being my son!” 

Even if you want to sever your relationship with me, I still won’t have children,Kevan said firmly. I’ve made up my mind, so please don’t 


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