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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 314

Chapter 314 

After Violet left. Kevan sat alone in the living room for a long time. He knew his mother was just speaking out of anger and wouldn’t 

actually sever their relationship

Based on his understanding of her, she would most likely try to convince Larissa instead since she couldn’t get through to him. Hence, he felt it was necessary to give Larissa a headsup in advance

The next morning, during breakfast, Kevan probed, Has my mother mentioned anything about having children to you these past few days

Larissa was surprised. She mentioned it to you too?” 

Yes,Kevan nodded

How did you respond to her? Larissa asked anxiously

Luckily, she hadn’t said anything the day before. Il Kevan’s madeup reasons didn’t match, his mother would begin to suspect something 

I told her that I don’t like kids and don’t plan on having children,Kevan said

That astonished Larissa as she never expected Kevan to shoulder the blame himself. She couldn’t help but applaud his courage

So, how did she react? Did she compromise? Larissa asked

No.Kevan replied as he took a sip of his steaming hot coffee. Since she didn’t convince me, she’ll probably try to convince you instead

Regardless of what she says, you have to firmly insist that it’s me who doesn’t want children and that you can’t change my mind.” 

Larissa held her mug, feeling the warmth of the hot milk through the cup, spreading to her palms. Is that really necessary

She didn’t fully agree with his approach

We’re bound to get divorced sooner or later. Why don’t you just tell her that we’ll have children in a few years. At least it will pacify her 

for now.” 

As I’ve said it before.Kevan stared at her intently, his sharp gare carrying a clear warning. We won’t get divorced, and you’re not allowed to entertain such thoughts again.” 

Larissa scoffed, Didn’t you say that because your lover hadn’t gotten a divorce back then? if you don’t get divorced, are you planning to keep dragging her along without giving her a proper answer?” 

Kevan didn’t want to continue the conversation with her, Hence, he gulped down his remaining collee, scalding his tongue in the process

I’m going to the company. Remember what I said.” 

Normally, Violet would arrive just in time for lunch, but that day she came over more than an hour early. That wasn’t the only thing out of 

the ordinary

This time, she brought several people along, each holding a large cardboard box, while she cared a pink cage containing a white and brown purebred Ragdoll call 

Wheeling herself to the door, Larissa lell overwhelmed by the grand scene

Mom, what’s all this?” 

Violet directed the people to move the cardboard boxes into the kitchen and then placed the cage on the floor, gently taking out the quiet 

little kitten from inside.. 

The kitten was probably two months old at most, and the short fur of its small body looked clean. Its eyes were as clear and light blue as the sky, beautiful and profound. With just one glance, Larissa fell deeply in love

Do you like it?Violet put the kitten on Larissa’s lap, bending down to gently stroke its back

The little kitten lay there, closing its eyes in contentment

I love it!Larissa nodded enthusiastically. It’s so beautifull” 


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