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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 329


Chapter 329 

Can’t you tell that my mom’s angry?he asked coldly

Of course, I can!Cecilia’s anger was obvious. Anyone could tell, Lana included. But I haven’t dealt with my thing with Larissa yet! I can’t nor She dragged Lucas back toward the private room 

Do you even know what the occasion is? And you come here to deal with your thing with Larissa? Lucas did not know if Lana was really innocent or stupid. Can you have a little bit of observational skills?” 

With the way he shouted at her, Lana froze. Lucas froze too

Ever since they got to know each other. Lucas had never spoken harshly to Lana. She had always been his precious little princess. Even she was unreasonable on multiple occasions, he was always gently tolerating her

Lana was struck speechless in an instant, her eyes filled with tears once again

You’re shouting at me Her voice was so soft and filled with endless grievances, which immediately caused Lucas to go soft

He quickly pulled her into his embrace and coed. Sorry, sorry I didn’t mean to I’m just really stressed out these days. I didn’t manage to control my temper 

His stress largely came from his parents. Because of the crisis that Cosmic Entertainment was in, they no longer agreed to his relationship with Lana. Other than that, his career progress was not going well eitherall the projects he invested in behind his parentsbacks were making heavy losses. His savings were almost completely gone

But Lana kept making him tip those two anchors managed by her as well as buying all sorts of branded clothes and bags for her

He did not dare let her know that he was going to run out of money soon, afraid that she might scom him and leave him

Lana cried for a good while before pretending to let Lucas succeed in soothing her. He promised. I will make sure to create an opportunity for you to meet Larissa.” 

After Lana left, the atmosphere in the private room could no longer go back to the way it was, Even Mia did everything she could to change the subject and get people involved with chatting, and even If the guests did their best to cooperate with her, it was awkward. When they looked at Larissa, their gazes would have a hint of curiosity

Larissa thought to herself, Lana still got what she wanted.The only fortunate thing was that Violet never changed the way she treated herexcept for taking her with her whenever she went for fear of Larissa being bullied by someone else

Lucasparents also came over to apologize to her. Lucas brought Lana here. We have the responsibility to bear any mistakes that she has made.” 

Larissa did not fuss with them over this. She could tell that they were not happy with Lana either

So, the party ended on this rather strange note. Before leaving. Larissa held Chris for a bit, which got him attached to her all over again. and she could not let go. Later, she barely managed to get him to sleep. Only then could Rebecca lake him away


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