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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 330

Chapter 330 

After Violet got down from the car, Larissa let out a sigh of reliel. Prior to that, there were several instances in which she did not know how to pick up after Violet’s conversations. Moreover, Kevan displayed a demeanor of indifference and detachment, only focusing on driving even when her awkwardness was so obvious. He never once helped rescue her from her predicament

Seeing the discreet glare Larissa was giving him through the rearview mirror, Kevan’s lips twitched upward

If you don’t want to be troubled by my mother, don’t ever attend this sort of event with her again,Kevan admonished

Having leamed her lesson, Larissa would naturally not make the same mistake. But Chris is pretty cute,she said sincerely. I guess it’s 

worth the nagging from Mom” 

Kevan was intrigued, and he deliberately asked her jeeringly, What you want to have children now?” 

Larissa denied it at once. Nor 

Entertaining someone else’s kid was one thing raising one’s own child was another. She was able to separate these two matters very clearly. 50. she would never randomly have baby lever and do something stupid like trying for a child

The tiniest bit of hope that had begun to spark in Kevan’s heart was extinguished immediately by her, and right at this moment, Larissa was terribly unobservant, Not only could she not tell that he was unhappy, she even added fuel to the fire and said. Speaking of which, Mom really wants to have a grandchild! Even if it’s for her sake, you should hurry up and divorce me and find a proper wife to have a baby.” 

Kevan firmly held back the urge to throw her out of the car. He ordered coldly. Shut up. Your concem for me in this regard is very much 


Oh. Larissa timidly shut herself up

When they were almost home, Kevan answered a call His phone was connected to the car’s Bluetooth, so Ruby’s frantic, fearful voice 

filled the vehicle. Kevan! Cody is here again! Hurry up and come over! He’s pressing the doorbell right now. Im so scared!” 

Larissa had only been stunned for a moment before she turned to look out the car window as it she had not heard anything

Kevan glanced at her through the rearview mirror and saw her cold side profile, and he bit his lip lightly

Don’t be afraid.He gently comforted Ruby. Til be right over.” 

Okay, please come at once!Ruby sobbed even as she urged him

Something’s come up on my end. I hang up first and call you back later.he said politely to Ruby

Can you not hang up first? Ruby’s voice was small and filled with temor. I want to hear your voice 

Kevan was just hesitating when he suddenly heard the sound of the car door opening at the back. He turned to see that Larissa already had one leg out. In a moment of panic, he shouted, Sit still and stop moving!” 


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