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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 339

Larissa could tell that he was doing it on purpose, so she returned a similar smile of provocation before saying loudly, "Nope! The kitten's mine. It has nothing to do with you. If you dare give it to someone else behind my back, I will call your mother at once!"

On Kevan's phone screen, Ruby's smile froze, though whether or not it was due to Larissa's words or due to the Internet's lag, one could not tell. Kevan did not keep her threat in mind though.

"Go on," he said. "Call her. Don't think that I'll be afraid of you just because you threatened me with my mom."

Biting her lip, Larissa used the final trump card that she had. "I will even tell her that you contacted Ruby again!"

Kevan's face darkened at once. "You'd dare?!" he snarled through his teeth, his rage seemingly suffused in these two words alone.

"Just watch me!" Larissa straightened up and did her best to stand up against his domineering aura. "You can't have forgotten what you promised your mother today, can you? Do you need me to remind you?"

Kevan pressed his lips tightly together and said nothing for quite a while. In the end, it was Ruby who persuaded him. "Never mind, Kevan, I don't want that cat anymore. Let Larissa have it!"

Kevan glared at Larissa coldly, a sneer on his face as he praised her strangely, "Well done, Larissa. You did very well. I hope that you can continue to do as well as you did today."

Larissa smiled back. "I will."

This was not the first time they had ended things badly. Larissa was not worried about what Kevan would do to her, but she was worried that he might do something to Muffin—like giving her away when she was not looking.


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