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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 340

Larissa never opened the door for Lucas, in the end. She had suffered too much under the hands of the Seymours. Now that Lucas was considered a half Seymour, she naturally could not let down her guard.

"Then you'd better wait for Kevan to come back I guess." She used this excuse to refuse him. "He's not at home now. There's no point even if you came all this way now."

Lucas was going to say something else when Larissa disconnected the call and unplugged the calling device's power. At any rate, no one else but Lucas would use this.

Larissa thought that this matter was over, but in less than two hours later, she received a call from Violet.

Violet asked her, "Lari, are you home right now?" Her voice was a little odd, it sounded both apologetic and flattering.

Larissa guessed that she probably still minded the news about Kevan and Ruby being together.

"Yeah, I'm home," Larissa replied with a smile, her voice was just as gentle as before. "When are you coming over today?"

Violet stammered for a moment and said, "I won't be going over today. I'll send a driver to pick you up. You'll be coming over to our place here instead."

Larissa did not think too much into this and said readily, "Sure."

The Rogers driver arrived half an hour later.

Larissa had plugged in the calling device's power prior to that, but Lucas never called on her again—probably because he had rung her too many times only for her to not respond, so he slunk away.


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