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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 341

Violet avoided her gaze and reached out for Larissa's hand.

"Your aunt saw yesterday's news too," Violet explained in a low voice.

Well, it would've been odd if Yvette had not seen the news last night, considering how big it had gotten.

"And?" Larissa asked mildly as if she did not care about this matter at all.

"Your step—uncle and I are very angry." Yvette nearly slipped up but was able to turn things around before it was too late. She did everything she could to maintain an expression of displeasure as she continued, "Your uncle has too much to do at the company, so only Nana and I are here to have an explanation from you."

Larissa did not understand. "What kind of explanation are you expecting from me?"

Her dismissive attitude confused Yvette and Lana. They thought that she would be angry and sad right now.

Yvette asked, "Kevan's cheating on you, and you don't mind at all?"

Lana also helped embellish the conversation. "Larissa, I thought you hated cheating men? I remember when your first husband cheated on you, you insisted on divorcing him. After that, he jumped off a building and died over this, didn't he?"

There was so much information in those three sentences that Violet could not process it all in such a short amount of time.

First husband?

What did she mean by jumping off a building and dying over divorce?

She looked at Larissa, feeling a headache beginning to form.


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