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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 356

Larissa's answer caused Kevan's heart to sink into his stomach. He had dared to hold on to some hope, wishing that she would say a few words to convince him otherwise. But reality dealt a fatal blow to him anyway.

"Tomorrow, then." Kevan's voice was deliberately casual.

It would be good to end this relationship faster because it meant that he would not have to dream about something so unattainable ever again.

Watching his relieved expression, Larissa clenched her fists. "Sure." She forced a smile onto her face. "I won't need your money. It's not like our marriage was real anyway, so to take half of your money at this stage would not make any sense. But …" She licked her lips. "Could you please return my Muffin to me?"

Her somewhat humble plea caused Kevan's heart to shudder. However, he did not wish to change the kitten back, regardless of whether or not it was because of the current situation or due to his own selfishness.

"No," he said flatly, his face dark.

Although this refusal was within Larissa's expectations, hearing it from him really turned her heart to ice.

"Okay then." She did not press the issue. "I'll … go back to my room and sleep. See you tomorrow morning."

Kevan was faster than her though, returning to his room with the kitten in his arms.

Staring at the closed door for quite a while, Larissa finally limped her way back to her room.

Kevan lay on the bed while the kitten lay on his chest. He raised one hand to block off the light that was too piercing for his eyes.

"Larissa … really did not love me, huh?" He smiled bitterly as he spoke. He seemed to be mumbling to himself while also seemingly speaking to the kitten who was sleeping lethargically from its cold.

"I'm honestly so blind and stupid to have been in love with her for so many years."


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