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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 357

Kevan and Larissa both froze.

If this was before, Kevan would have rejected Dylan's unreasonable request and had him take a cab to come over, but today …

He looked down at Larissa and asked for her opinion with his eyes.

"Let's go to the airport then."

The moment she said that, both of them breathed quiet sighs of relief. The elevator happened to arrive right at this moment too.

Kevan asked Larissa, "You want to come along?"

She nodded and said, "Sure." Ever since she came to Bartham, she rarely contacted her friends in Covenford.

After the new year, Dylan's career seemed to take off. She frequently saw him posting on Instagram in the dead hours of the night, creating stories about how he was still up reviewing case files. Afraid that she would disturb him, Larissa never took the initiative to contact him.

The truth was, she missed him quite a bit.

Naturally, Dylan heard them talking. "Are you with Larissa?" he asked Kevan, who grunted in affirmation.

"She's coming with me to pick you up."

"She doesn't need to be at work today?" Although Dylan was happy, he was also confused.

Larissa did not announce her broken leg to the world, and Kevan was not someone who talked much, so Dylan only knew of her kidnapping by Jay Cole through the news, but nothing of the details of the kidnapping.

Kevan just grunted again as a response, and he said, "The signal's not good in the elevator. I'll call you again once we get to the airport."


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