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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 360

Kevan suddenly found himself being ridiculous again.

He had already decided last night to end things decisively, but when things really got down to it, he withdrew once more.

Dylan sneered back at him and said, "Don't underestimate me! Let me have a good chat with Larissa first during these two days. Don't do anything rash!"

"No need." Kevan refused his good intentions. "I was the one who spoke of divorce first. My two cousins … they're getting restless again." His half-narrowed eyes were gleaming coldly.

Although Dylan was not completely privy to his family matters, he was aware of a good deal of it. Hearing him say that, Dylan's heart rose up into his throat. "They've made a move on Larissa?"

"Cody tried to pursue her, but failed," Kevan said.

"Holy fuck, dude—!" Dylan was really disgusted. "Can your cousins honestly change their tactics in fighting you? They just keep trying to steal your girl to give you some setbacks. It's fucking low, man!"

Kevan smiled mockingly. "Considering how stupid they are, they can only think of inferior tactics like this."

"But this time, they really dealt you a blow, didn't they?" Dylan's gaze on Kevan had sympathy in them. He knew how much Kevan loved Larissa, and knew that if Kevan was not out of ideas, he would never take the initiative in raising the idea of divorce.

"Last time you were soft on them, letting them off for the sake of your grandpa. This time, are you gonna finish them off for good?"

Kevan's smile grew bigger, but his gaze was chilling. "Of course," he said.

Kevan brought Dylan to Ruby's new place.


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