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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 365

Kevan went over and brought Muffin into his arms. Ruby watched him anxiously, her smile extremely stiff.

"I guess Muffin misses you." She found a suitable excuse for Muffin's strange behavior.

"Seems so." Kevan rubbed Muffin's head as if he had not seen through her lie, his expression remained unchanged.

Ruby sighed in relief.

When Muffin was in Kevan's arms, she immediately became obedient, so much so that one would think that it was a plush cat. She rubbed her furry head into his palm, and her meows sounded much more normal now. It definitely sounded like she was being affectionate with him.

Kevan sat on the sofa with the kitten in his arms, and Ruby followed him.

As a lawyer who was not familiar with them both, Dylan naturally did not get involved with all that. He sat to one side quietly and waited for Kevan to finish his business.

"Naughty little thing!" Ruby leaned against Kevan's shoulder as she reached out with a finger to poke at Muffin's head with displeasure. But before she could pull her hand back, Muffin clawed at her. At almost the same moment, Ruby's scream of pain shattered into existence. "Ahh!"

She whipped her hand back, and Kevan looked down to see three obvious scratch marks on the back of her hand. The Ragdoll breed meant that Muffin's personality was one of clingy obedience. Although she liked playing with humans, she would never bite or claw at others like mischievous domestic cats. This was the first time she had done it ever since her birth.

Kevan's heart sank at once. He knew that he had not treated Muffin in the best way, but she still clung to him as if she did not know how to hold a grudge. He honestly sometimes thought that she was stupid, but for her to treat Ruby like this …

Kevan could not imagine what Ruby had done to it within these two short days.

"Kevan …" Ruby's eyes were already filled with tears. She gazed at him in a pouty manner, wanting to throw herself into his arms to seek comfort, but was also afraid of the kitten who was staring at her guardedly from his lap. She did not dare to be too close to him.


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