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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 366

Seeing her hand coming over, Muffin's eyes fixed themselves on it as she shifted into a crouch, preparing herself to pounce. Ruby immediately let go out of fear.

"The bodyguard's with you. Don't be afraid." Kevan smiled, soothing her gently.

Dylan looked at his watch and spoke up just at the right time. "Mr. Rogers, I have a video call appointment with a client at 1:30 pm. Could you please send me back to the hotel first?"

"Of course." Kevan agreed at once. He said to Ruby with some helplessness, "Well, we'll be going then. After you're done at the hospital, call me."

Ruby reluctantly said, "Okay."

The moment he was in the car, Kevan dumped Muffin on Dylan's lap, which startled the hell out of the latter. He leaned back, arms held safely out of the way as he exclaimed fearfully, "Could you please put it in the backseat?"

Kevan eyed him and chortled. "Scaredy-cat!" He then added, "This cat's stupid. It won't claw at you at random."

"Who are you kidding?!" Dylan glared as he accused him, "Do you think I'm blind? I saw how it clawed at Ruby for sure!"

The moment he said that, Muffin looked up and meowed at him twice. Her deep blue eyes showed cluelessness as if she was wondering what he was talking about. Dylan looked down at her and held his breath out of fear. But she did not go crazy after a long wait.

Muffin licked her paws before curling up in his lap, going to sleep peacefully, which confused the heck out of Dylan.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked Kevan.


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