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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 368

The cat had been with Larissa for over a month without any issues. However, it returned with a broken leg after spending only two days with Ruby. Larissa couldn't believe that this had nothing to do with Ruby at all.

Kevan was also clueless. As he saw Larissa's accusing gaze, he felt both sad and slightly angry. After all, Larissa thought that he and Ruby were on the same side. Did she really think he was responsible for all of Ruby's wrongdoings?

"Quit looking at me like that," he said coldly. "I will ask Ruby about the cat and make sure to give you a satisfactory answer."

Larissa clenched her fists. "I hope so."


The doctor reattached Muffin's leg but didn't allow her to go home. "Let's keep her here for observation for a while. If the owners can't take care of her properly at home, the leg might break again," he said, glancing at Larissa's still-casted injured leg. "I'm sure you understand this very well."

She couldn't bear to leave Muffin behind, so she stayed with Muffin at the hospital for a while before leaving the hospital with Kevan and Dylan. Neither she nor Kevan spoke, and the atmosphere in the car was particularly awkward.

Dylan tried to console her, saying, "The doctor said Muffin's condition isn't severe. Don't worry too much."

Well, she wasn't particularly worried about her cat. Instead, she just couldn't contain her anger.


Once they returned home, Kevan immediately dialed Ruby's number in front of Larissa.


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