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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 369

Ruby anxiously shouted, "Larissa, if you want to blame someone, blame me, not Kevan! He has nothing to do with this. Direct your anger at me!"

Direct her anger at that woman? Indeed, Larissa felt the urge to act aggressively and confront Ruby, perhaps even pulling her hair, forcing her to apologize to Muffin. But what would that accomplish? Kevan would still believe Ruby, protect her, and help her deflect the blame, leaving Larissa labeled as a "jealous wife."

So, what was the point?

In that instant, the thought of it made Larissa's anger dissipate, and it was replaced by a profound sense of exhaustion and powerlessness.

"I'm tired," Larissa finally said. "I'm going to bed."

After she left, Kevan's phone call continued.

Ruby asked, "Kevan, do you believe me?" Her voice was tense and trembling, revealing her nervousness.

Kevan's eyes darkened, and his face grew increasingly gloomy. However, his voice remained soft and melodious, akin to a cello. "Of course, I believe you." Dylan, sitting beside him, pursed his lips and silently mourned for Ruby in his heart.

Ruby and Kevan talked for a while longer, and she reluctantly ended the call after he mentioned his tiredness.

Dylan clicked his tongue a few times before asking Kevan, "Are you planning to divorce Larissa tomorrow?"

Kevan merely glared at his friend, rose to his feet, and retreated to his room.


In the following days, Kevan and Dylan were out early and returned late. Larissa asked Violet for a driver to take her to the hospital every day, where she would bring Cookie to accompany Muffin for at least half a day.


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