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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 373

Larissa's eyelids had been twitching since she woke up in the morning on the day of Cody and Lana's wedding. She felt a sense of unease, as if something was about to happen. It was to the extent that she made two mistakes while absentmindedly filling out a report, leading to a scolding from the deputy general manager who was temporarily handling the hotel affairs in place of Edmund.

The wedding officially started at 11 am. So, she sneakily scrolled through Twitter for a while. There were blurry photos taken by undercover journalists on the Internet, capturing the silhouettes of the bride and groom. After about half an hour, her phone suddenly rang. It was Dylan.

Dylan rarely called her during work hours, so she was startled, and her heart started beating faster involuntarily. When she answered the call, her hands trembled. But before she could even speak, she heard Dylan urgently say, "Something happened to Kevan!"

Her mind went blank in that instant, and she didn't know how long it took for her to find her voice. "W-What happened?"

Her throat felt extremely dry, perhaps due to dehydration.

"I'm going to the hotel to find you now. I'll fill you in later."

He immediately hung up the phone, and she felt as if all her strength had been drained away. She slumped into her office chair. The words on the computer screen appeared to be double-etched. Dylan's words kept echoing in her ears, making her restless and unable to find any relief.

Fortunately, Dylan arrived quickly. She hurriedly packed her things and went downstairs as soon as she received his call. When she got in the car, he reminded her to ask for leave from the deputy general manager. His car then turned onto the freeway.


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