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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 374

Kevan's ward was surrounded by muscular bodyguards dressed in black suits. Larissa immediately sensed that something was wrong upon seeing the presence of these bodyguards.

Kevan's assistant, who was waiting at the door, seemed confused when he exchanged greetings with Dylan. He looked at Larissa and asked, "Who is this?"

Larissa felt a sense of awkwardness, uncertain whether she should leave or stay. Dylan felt the same. However, he couldn't afford to worry about such things at the moment and gave a brief introduction, saying, "This is Larissa, Kevan's wife."

The assistant's eyes widened in astonishment, as if he had never heard of her before.

Dylan then pointed toward the room and inquired, "How is he doing?"

The assistant's expression immediately turned grave, and the atmosphere grew heavy.

He replied, "He just underwent surgery, and the bullet has been successfully removed from his body, but he hasn't regained consciousness yet."

Larissa exclaimed upon hearing this, "Bullet? What exactly happened?" It was just a wedding. How could it turn so dangerous?

The assistant led them to an empty ward next door, and after ensuring there was no one eavesdropping, he explained, "An old enemy of Cody's did this. He intended to kill Cody, but instead, Mr. Rogers got injured."

Dylan furrowed his brow and questioned, "Are you certain it was an accident?"

The assistant pursed his lips and replied, "The assassin has been captured, and he claims it was an accident. However, the authenticity of his statement remains doubtful."

Dylan further inquired, "Were there any other injuries besides Kevan?"

The assistant responded, "Cody sustained minor injuries but didn't require hospitalization. Apart from that, no one else was injured."

"Where are the others?"

The assistant replied, "They are all staying at the hotel, waiting to fly back home."


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