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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 376

It felt as if the entire sky had come crashing down. Larissa's head throbbed as if struck by a heavy object, leaving her feeling dizzy and slightly sore. The only sound she could hear was a continuous buzzing in her ears, and her vision gradually became blurred. Suddenly, everything went black, and she lost consciousness completely.

When she regained consciousness, she found herself lying in a bed. The scent of disinfectant in the air reminded her that she was still in the hospital. She turned her head and saw Kevan lying motionless on the bed next to her, resembling a lifeless, delicate puppet. Her nose tingled, and tears welled up once again.

After some time, she managed to calm herself down. She peeked out from under the covers and noticed that Dylan was also present. She hastily used the back of her hand to wipe away the remaining tear stains on her face. She sniffled and asked him, "When did you get here?"

"About three or four minutes ago," he replied, his eyes filled with sympathy, pity, and empathy as he looked at her. "Don't be too upset. The doctor mentioned that there's still a high probability of Kevan waking up."

She sat up and stared blankly at Kevan, but there was no indication of him waking up at all. She couldn't muster the same optimism as Dylan.

"Hey ..." Dylan sat down at the end of her bed and asked tentatively, "Do you... actually have feelings for Kevan?"


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