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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 375

Larissa couldn't accept this reality. Despite Kevan's numerous flaws, she had always viewed him as a formidable, powerful, and invincible figure. The idea that he would one day lie weak and helpless on a hospital bed, barely clinging to life with injected nutrients, was unimaginable to her.

She reached out and touched his large, bony hand. Despite the perpetual summer on the island, his hand remained as cold as ever, causing her heart to ache.

After struggling to hold back her tears for a long time, she finally let them flow and fell onto the snowy white sheets, leaving dark stains behind. However, she bit her lip to stifle any sound, afraid that her crying might disturb him. Dylan, who stood at the door, caught a glimpse of the figure huddled by the edge of the hospital bed, trembling uncontrollably. He silently withdrew his hand from the doorknob.


Due to the language barrier, the police couldn't gather much information from the shooter, despite capturing him. The details provided by Kevan's assistant were confessed by the shooter himself when he was initially apprehended by the bodyguards. The only contribution from the police was obtaining the surveillance footage from the crime scene.

The shooter had disguised himself as a hotel waiter, blending in with the crowd. When Cody walked with Lana down the red carpet, passing by Kevan, the shooter drew his concealed gun from his pocket. However, when the shot was fired, it was Kevan who fell, not Cody.

Amidst the ensuing chaos, numerous black-clad bodyguards rushed in from all directions, not only subduing the shooter but also carrying Kevan away through the crowd, but their destination was unknown.

Nonetheless, several suspicious points emerged from the incident upon reviewing the footage.

For instance, Cody had walked past the shooter prior to that, standing only a few feet away, yet the shooter didn't take action at that moment. Furthermore, after Kevan was hit, everyone at the scene panicked and fled in fear of becoming the next target. However, Cody, the intended victim, remained remarkably composed. He even took the time to check on Kevan's injuries.

Additionally, despite realizing that he had killed the wrong person, the shooter didn't fire another shot at Cody. When the police later inspected his gun, they found three bullets remaining. Moreover, when confronted by Kevan's bodyguards, the shooter made no attempt to escape or resist; he simply stood there, waiting to be apprehended.


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