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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 381

The night was cool and tranquil. Larissa retrieved a bottle of red wine from Kevan's wine cabinet and poured herself a full glass. Her two cats nestled beside her, contentedly purring with closed eyes. She took a sip of wine and gently stroked the cats. If she were to share this kind of life on the internet, countless people would probably envy her, but bitterness and loneliness still lingered within her.

The doorbell rang. It was Dylan. As he entered, he noticed the bottle of red wine on the coffee table.

"Enjoying the wine alone?" he teased.

She smiled and asked, "Care to join me?"

"Sure," he readily agreed. She got him a glass and poured half a glass of wine. They lightly clinked glasses and finished the wine in one gulp.

"Let's get to the point." Larissa smiled faintly as she took a napkin and wiped away the traces of wine from her lips.

"No rush. I came here to pick something up. I can still have a few drinks with you."

Dylan refilled their glasses, and she didn't decline. It was rare to have someone to talk to, especially when it made the room feel less bleak and desolate. After a few glasses, her consciousness began to blur.

"Wait here for a moment. I'll go to Kevan's study and get something," he said. He rose to his feet and gradually disappeared from her sight. He returned shortly after and laid out a document in front of her.


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