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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 382

"Severe Injuries Render Microworks Corporation's President Kevan Rogers in Coma, Chances of Permanent Vegetative Condition."

This headline dominated all major websites after someone leaked the information. Due to this, the shares of Microworks Corporation plummeted by 10% in a single day. While Larissa was not worried for Kevan, she anticipated a tumultuous situation at the Rogers household. As expected, Violet gave her a call in the afternoon.

"Lari, what's going on with Kevan? Is the news true?" Violet's anxiousness and worry resonated through the phone.

Larissa couldn't hide it from her. "It's true."

Violet fell silent for a while, and Larissa could hear her breathing quicken, growing heavier. Soon, her voice broke with tears. "Kevan … Where is he now?"

After that, Larissa told her the hospital address and ward number. Before she could comfort Violet, the call was disconnected. Larissa pursed her lips and put the phone back in the drawer.

When Larissa got home after work, she pushed open the door to see the room lit up. Shocked, her eyes widened, and her heart skipped a beat. Soon, she noticed a pair of heels that she recognized as Violet's. The excitement in her heart turned into a sense of foreboding, as if dark clouds had gathered within.

Violet was feeding the cat. When she saw Larissa, she put down the can and got up.

"Larissa, come. Take a seat." She pulled her over to the couch. Her voice was a little hoarse, and her eyes were red and swollen. She must have cried at the hospital.

"A-Are you okay?" Larissa asked, her own distress evident in her voice.

"I'm fine." Violet forced a smile.

"I'm that Kevan is alive, and I find solace in that."


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