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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 384

Larissa didn't want to return to that city as it was filled with memories of her and Kevan.

"I want a new change in environment. Start fresh," Larissa said.

"No matter where you go, you'll have my full support. I just have one request; after you've settled everything, you must contact me," Dylan said.

"Okay," she agreed.

It was rare for Larissa to be free, so she asked him to stay for dinner. However, he rejected her. After looking at the time, he said helplessly, "It's late. I have to go to the hospital. Let's make an appointment sometime later at noon if you want to treat me to a meal."

"Why are you going to the hospital?" Larissa asked curiously. There was no way he would accompany Ruby like he had accompanied her, right? They didn't have such a close relationship.

Dylan pouted and said, "I'm going to be the caretaker for Kevan. What else do you think I can do?"

Larissa was even more puzzled. "Isn't Ruby there to care for him?"

"Heh!" Dylan sneered, "She's carrying the only bloodline of the Rogers. How could she do heavy work? Kevan has all these peculiar requests, and since Ruby is unable to fulfill them, am I not the only one who can help him? I genuinely suspect that I may have wronged him in my previous life, which is why I have to serve him in this one."

However, these matters were no longer related to Larissa, so she couldn't comment on them. She patted Dylan's shoulder and said sympathetically, "Well, thank you for your hard work."


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