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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 383

Larissa soon found a new home and moved out of Kevan's house. Although Dylan had informed her that the house she was living in had been one of the properties Kevan had granted her in the divorce settlement, she felt no attachment to it. She packed her belongings and left without looking back.

The news of Ruby's pregnancy with Kevan's child spread rapidly within the Rogers' circle. Meanwhile, Edmund began frequenting Larissa's office. He would send her flowers, gifts and ask her on dates, employing various tactics to pursue her. However, Larissa remained interested.

In the end, feeling overwhelmed by the situation, she handed in her resignation letter. However, this decision wasn't something she had just thought of. She had always disliked Bartham. It felt like this city had been a backdrop for all her lowest moments in life, and it seemed to conspire against her at every turn.

Larissa knew she would never be transferred back to Covenford. The only way to leave this place was via a resignation. Edmund's persistent pursuit had broken down her last line of defense, and she was willing to let go of the three-month rent she had just paid.

Unsurprisingly, Edmund rejected her resignation letter and made a sincere plea for her to stay. "The Regal Dynasty Hotel will be doomed without you."

When Larissa heard his exaggerated words, she couldn't help but laugh. "The Regal Dynasty Hotel will continue to thrive. It will survive no matter who left. Someone will soon fill in my position."

"But that someone might not be as good as you," Edmund insisted, leaning over the office table and gripping her hand tightly. His gaze was intense, filled with deep affection.

Larissa lowered her head to dodge his gaze and pulled her hand away. She sighed, "Mr. Rogers, I'll just be frank. Whether you approve my resignation or not, I'm leaving. If you choose to approve it, I'll continue for another month and get all the work sorted out before leaving. If you don't, I won't come to work starting tomorrow. I'm prepared to forgo this month's salary."

Edmund stared at her for a long time and realized she wasn't joking. Only then did he return to his seat and become serious. "Okay. I'll inform the HR Department to begin the necessary procedures for your resignation."


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