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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 388

"Yes," Larissa said, glancing out of the car window. The rain slid down the glass, blurring the city she had harbored disdain for over two decades. In a way, it was a welcome obstruction.

The driver continued to babble on, but she didn't hear a thing he said. Due to the traffic congestion, Larissa had to dash across the airport to make it to her flight. When the plane was about to take off, the air stewardess gently reminded the passengers to turn off their phones.

In the end, Larissa succumbed to her desire and sent Kevan a text. "Goodbye. I hope that you'll be happy with her."

It was uncertain whether he would ever come across this text—whether he would only see it years later or remain forever unseen. However, Larissa didn't mind. For her, this act held a profound significance. By bidding farewell to him, she could have closure and finally leave her past behind.

The long flight had left her feeling drowsy, and the incessant wails of a child in the economy seat gave her a headache. Seeking respite from the chaos, Larissa rose from her seat and made her way to the restroom. Unexpectedly, she saw a middle-aged man convulsing on the floor.

As a hotel manager, Larissa had received the most basic form of first aid training. Assessing the situation and observing the white foam forming at the mouth, she concluded that this person was having a seizure. Acting swiftly, she knelt down, removed her jacket, and twisted it into a makeshift rope so that he could bite onto it. At the same time, she wiped away the foam from the corner of his mouth.

"Do you have any medication with you?" Larissa asked in a panic.

The middle-aged man hadn't completely lost consciousness. With trembling hands, he pointed toward his pocket with great difficulty. Larissa quickly found a small medicine bottle and placed a pill into his mouth.


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