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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95 

He seemed to be calling out for someone, and that name was exactly the same as her nickname

Larissa’s heart rate accelerated

She clutched her chest and straightened her body. Don’t overthink. Do not overthink-” 

There were so many people in this world that shared the same name as her. Who knew which one of those 

people he was calling out for

As if he were trapped in a nightmare, Kevan’s brows knitted even tighter, his expression becoming increasingly panicked

Lari, don’t go!He almost shouted this with all of his remaining strength, his voice pitiful and desperate

Larissa had never seen him look so fragile before. Suddenly, she felt a little sad for him as well, her heart 

wringing with pain

Kevan’s arms emerged from below the covers and flailed about the bed. His fingers clenched and unclenched

as if he were trying to search for something around him

Instinctively, Larissa reached out

As soon as Kevan’s hands touched hers, he caught her arm and squeezed it, the mere force of it so strong that 

she thought he was about to break her fingers

Larissa sucked in a breath, stifling the cry of pain that threatened to rise within her

Kevan, however, had quietened. His brows relaxed gradually and his breathing changed from his initial shallow pants to long, drawnout breaths

Larissa sat against the headboard and wiped away the sweat on his face with a tissue

Her emotions were all over the place, a mixture of fear and unease from the unknown dream he was having. but there was also that unmistakable satisfaction that filled her chest as he gradually became pacified

The doorbell rang

It must have been the doctor called in by the front desk

Larissa attempted to remove her hands from his grip, but every time she shifted in the slightest, Kevan’s grip 


Don’t go-he murmured

She tried a few more times, and she even forcefully tried to pull her arms away, but Kevan only fought harder

The doorbell continued ringingagain and again, its frequency more and more impatient

Larissa was aggravated, but she could think of no way to handle the situation

Suddenly, an idea flashed past her mind. She leaned closer and whispered in his ear, I’m not leaving,” 

Chapter 95 

Liar-Even if he was sleeping, he could still answer her

Kevan scrunched his nose, his appearance downcast

Larissa’s heart melted into a puddle

She even found herself resenting the Lari he’d been calling for all this while

Based on his actions, she must have hurt him very deeply

I’m not lying.Larissa’s voice softened. Really, I’ll just go get the door. I’ll be right back.” 

Kevan lay unmoving, not saying a word

Kevan-she called out gently, the tone of her voice lifting at the end, like a girl coquettishly seeking his attention. Be good, will you?At some point, she even felt like she was coaxing a stubborn child to do as he 

was told

Kevan pursed his lips before letting her go slowly

Larissa was afraid that he would change his mind, so she sprinted out of the room immediately

At the door, a doctor in a white coat stood

During the long wait, he’d exhausted all of his patience, so when he was finally standing facetoface with 

Larissa, his attitude was brittle


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