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Sweet Subterfuge novel by Trina Duo novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96 

Larissa wasn’t the only one who was shocked. The doctor who’d been standing on one side dropped the 

needle he had been holding upon Kevan’s sudden bellow

Larissa froze, her heart stopping for two seconds and her mind going completely blank

When he’d finally identified the person standing in front of him, Kevan’s rationality returned, and the ice in his eyes slowly dissipated

The tautness in his mind earlier relaxed as well, followed by a wave of sluggish drowsiness that hit him almost at once. He forced his eyes to stay open as he asked, his voice hoarse and weak. Why are you here?” 

She snapped out of her daze as well

She pointed to the doctor as she replied, You have a fever. The doctor is here to see you.” 

It was then that he noticed the unfamiliar, middleaged man standing behind her

Do you still have the strength to unbutton your own shirt?Larissa waved the thermometer in her hand.

need to take your temperature.” 

Kevan removed her hands from his own and answered truthfully, I can’t. I don’t have the strength.” 

It almost seemed as if the strength he’d used to grab her that could’ve almost killed her earlier was nothing but a figment of her own imagination

Larissa decided to not argue with him since he was sick and needed their help

It was just- 

Dealing with him when he was asleep was one thing. When he was awake, her mindset shifted drastically

When he was asleep, she didn’t think about it too much. The action of undoing his buttons seemed merely mechanical. Now that he’d awakened, the pressure she felt increased, and her hands started trembling

Time seemed to have slowed down, the happenings around her moving in slow motion, like scenes in a film

Larissa swallowed instinctively, her thundering heartbeat loud in her ears

Finally, after much difficulty, she managed to unbutton the first three buttons on his shirt

Kevan moved his arm cooperatively, allowing his collar to widen and slip down his shoulders

His body was flushed from his fever, his skin a faint pinkish shade. The visuals in her head were much more suggestive than they usually were

She placed the thermometer under his armpit and turned her face away

I’ll set a timer for you.She pretended to fish out her phone and set an alarm for five minutes

The doctor switched positions with her and stood at the head of the bed

Does your throat hurt?” 


Chapter 96 

Any diarrhea?” 

Is there anywhere else that hurts?” 

He asked a series of questions, all of which Kevan denied

Five minutes was up

The doctor attempted to retrieve the thermometer when Kevan dodged, a hint of disgust in his eyes

The doctor had most probably never encountered such a combative patient in his career. For a moment, he 

looked like he was at a loss

Larissa naturally knew what Kevan was concerned about. Hurriedly, she stepped behind the doctor with an 

apologetic smile. Let me do it!” 

This time, Kevan held still and let Larissa handle him however she wanted

The doctor raised the thermometer and glanced at its reading. He’s at 102 degrees now, what were you two doing? Why didn’t you call the front desk earlier? Are you out of your minds?He scolded the two of them 



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