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The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate novel Chapter 12

The wind weaved its way around Quinn’s dress as she walked back home; cold and incessantly eating away at the little warmth in her body. She felt guilty, father said he wanted this night to him and his mate, and she was now going home to ruin it…

Should she not go home yet? The air was cold, but it was refreshing.

Quinn twisted on her heels, walking towards the east borders instead of her father’s house. There was this tree she used to call her own there, one of the tallest trees on this land. It was old, the limbs were dry and collapsing, but every spring, it grew leaves. She didn’t know how it continued to survive through the winters, but it always did, and Quinn would congratulate it every year.

Every time she felt down and weak, she’d go there just to look at that tree, because if it could survive, then she could too…

Quinn wrapped her arms around herself as she continued into the forest. Her steps were quick and loud, and yet the crickets that sang didn’t seem to be afraid of them. The limbs and leaves swayed along with the wind, making howling noises that Quinn was familiar with.

The night was dark, and though the moon was bright, the heavy trees blocked its light…but Quinn could see; clearly. She could see the healthy and low grass beneath her feet, the twigs she was stepping on, the wild bushes and the wildflowers that adorn them, and she could see her tree…right in the center of her path.

She stopped in front of it, looking up at its branches. It seems not everything could remain strong forever, not even this tree.

Quinn chuckled to herself, running her finger along the bark where her name was carved. Was this tree somehow associated with her?

It had been strong when she was, but now that she was completely broken it was too. Why? Why were most of its branches on the ground, broken, scattered and abandoned?

Why did it look so pitiful in her eyes now?

Quinn wiped her cheek when a tear dripped against it. She’d always aspired to be like this tree; strong…but now they both have miserably fallen…

Why was her life so hard? Jeovanni rejected her for her sister without a second thought, and the sister she thought had always been on her side wasn’t…why was everything turning upside down?

Jeovanni was making things so hard for her…how could he kiss her after kissing her sister? And how could he threaten to exile her father after everything he’d done for the pack in the past? Why were people so ungrateful? Why?

Quinn’s right hand fisted and she used the anger within her to punch the tree, but in the end, she was the one who felt the pain. With a sob, she fell against the tough textured bark, crying…

Should she just leave? Jeo didn’t want her, and yet he didn’t want to see her move on. Why was he so cruel? He’d never been like this, why did he change?

What made him change?

Could it b~?

Quinn perked up when an unfamiliar scent drifted densely across her nostrils; the scent of a rogue…not just one, there were about four. She wiped her eyes, easing off the tree and looking ahead.


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