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The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate novel Chapter 22

“I know you’re not sleeping, Quinn…a minute, just give me one minute of your time, please.”

The desperation in his voice tore at Quinn’s heart. It for one had her shuffling off the bed and reluctantly walking towards the door. Her hand shakily settled over the knob for a while before she finally twisted it open. She’d just give him that one minute he begged her for.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Pulling the door open, she looked at him, the light from her room illuminating the dark space he stood in. “What do you want to say?”

“Can I come in? Or do you want to come out?”

Quinn sighed, stepping out of the doorway. “Come in.”

When he walked in, she closed the door behind him, gesturing towards the bed Delilah used to sleep on. “You can sit there.”

While he sat, she took a seat in front of him on her bed. “Can you talk now?”

“Well I…I’m not sorry about what I did…what we did. I’m only sorry that it wasn’t enough to actually make you mine. The fact that you regret it, the fact that you consider it to be a mere mistake makes my heart ache. I might not fully understand why you’re so strongly against this, but can you not at least give me a chance?”

“Is that what you’re here for?”

“Precisely, it is exactly what I’m here for. I heard about what happened, I probably shouldn’t have stuck my nose in your business…but about what he did, I’d never do the same to you.”

Quinn fumbled with her fingers in her lap, looking towards the door. “Leave. If that’s all you have to say, then leave.”

“I’m not done yet.”

“I don’t care, just go.”

He sighed, standing to his feet and walking back towards the door. Instead of opening it, he turned to face her. “You know, you don’t have to be so hard on yourself, everybody knows you’re in pain. It’s inevitable, but pushing me away won’t help you to overcome it. You got a second chance, Quinn…move on.”

“And then what? A second chance turns into a third, and then eventually into a fourth. I know how it will all end…I will always be the one in pain, the one left out in the cold and bruising wilderness of the world. I will be left alone…rejected and abandoned. It won’t change, regardless of who I’m with.” She looked away from him, blurry eyes fixated on the white walls. “So stop trying to convince me, you don’t want me…I have already been tainted, no alpha king would want a woman who already has a mark on her neck.”

“And how are you so sure of that, Quinn? You’re underestimating yourself and even the power of the goddess. She paired us for a reason, we were meant to be.”

“I thought the same when I encountered Jeo.”

“But that’s different.”


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