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The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate novel Chapter 28

A cry left her lips when he rammed his hips forward, sheathing his c*ck inside of her. The pain the intrusion came with felt like it could rip her apart, and yet the feeling of being full amazed her.

Her green eyes rolled to the very back of her head and her toes curled into the mattress as he leaned down, resting his lips so close to her ears. “Don’t relax yet, little red…I’m not even half-way in.”

His hips retracted, and Quinn moaned brokenly when he thrust back inside, going even deeper than he did the first time. Her walls quivered around his thick and lengthy c*ck, her body shaking as pleasure tore like a flood through her; a flood of fervent waters that burnt away her worries and soaked her in the feel of his touch.

Tears broke free from the corners of her eyes, her weak knees almost giving out when he released her neck, grabbing onto her red hair instead. He used the strands to pull her up, locking her body against his. “Now it’s all in.”

At his words, a shiver wracked down Quinn’s spine. His shaft felt like it was touching her heart; so big, so f*cking stiff. “It…I feel it all the way up to here.” She rubbed her belly, feeling the blatant bulge. “It’s weird…”

“Weird you say?” Zayd kissed her neck, slowly moving his hips back and forth. “Just weird?”

“W-Weirdly g…good…” She answered, her broken words riling him up even more. Inside of her felt like heaven, wet and warm; tightly clenching onto his c*ck like a vice grip.

It was amusing to watch her unravel over and over again…He’d wanted to see her like this ~vulnerable and helpless~ beneath him since the first time he finally saw her.

He had known her scent, but her face had been a mystery to him.

When she’d walked into the party, his eyes had searched for her, and what he’d found was a woman who stood confident and proud in the most beautiful gown on the floor. Her eyes were as vibrant as the forest leaves, and her beauty too stood out like the light of the sun. She’d not only captivated him, but everyone else.

Since then, he’d wanted to ruin her; just like this…he’d wanted to know how high her moans could pitch, how his name would sound sinfully dripping off her lips and it did not disappoint him.

He had desired to know all of her; the parts that everyone knew as well as the parts she’d only show to him. This body, his hands had wanted to venture every section unceasingly. She’d looked pretty in that dress, but he’d known she’d look better without it on.

And he confirmed it, her body was flawless, curvy in the right places. She wasn’t just skin and bones, she was the epitome of perfection.

Wrapping her hair around his hand, he pulled her head back, taking her swollen pink lips between his. The kiss was rough, full of desire and passion, and every cry that seeped through the warm recess of her mouth, he swallowed them.

The pace of his hips quickened, and she clenched around him, squeezing his member without restraint. He’d f*cked other women during his times of loneliness, but none had turned him on like this…none had filled him with such passion, with such pleasure…none had fitted around him like the matching piece to his puzzle.


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