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The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate novel Chapter 3

“Quinn?! What are you doing here?”

Quinn’s knees got weaker at his words. Was that what he had to say? Was that really the first thing he could ask?

Quinn wiped the tears that crawled down her cheeks, looking at him with so much hate in her eyes. “I thought I’d never regret meeting you, Jeo…but now I do. I regret ever setting my eyes on you. I should’ve sliced my throat instead of letting you leave your mark there…that wouldn’t have been as painful as this.”

“Quinn I…” He stepped towards her. “I’m sorry, Quinn, but I~”

“You’re not sorry, Jeo…If you were sorry, you’d have rejected me before you did something like this…and Delilah…you’re no sister of mine…You could never be…I’d never do this to you, Delilah.”

Delilah held her head down, her body visibly shaking. “I love him Quinn…I-I’m sorry…I wanted him…he wanted me…I…I’m sorr~”

“Shut up! Shut up!” Her hands slammed against her ears. “I don’t want to hear it!”

“Quinn…” Jeovanni stepped closer, only stopping when he stood directly in front of her. “I’m sorry you had to witness this…you’re right, I should’ve rejected you first…but I didn’t have the courage…I had to wait until you were gone…”

“S-So this was your plan all along? To send me off on a mission so that you could break our bond by creating a new one between you and her? How…How c-could you, Jeo?”

“I know and I’m sorry, but what’s between me and her became stronger than what was between you and me. I-I don’t feel it anymore, Quinn…I love you, but not as much as I love her…I’m sorry, but this is something I have to do…brace yourself because it’s going to hurt.”

Quinn pursed her lips as she looked away from him, trying to hold back the cries and the screams that wanted to come through her mouth. She hated him…

For not loving her as much as she loved him…She hated him…

For not trying to rekindle the bond between them when it faltered…she hated him…

For choosing someone so close to her…she hated him…

For making her feel this much pain…she hated him…

For everything; the bad and even the good…she hated him! She hated him! She hated him!

But sadly, that hate couldn’t measure up to the love she had for him…

Damn…why was it so painful? She had known it was going to happen, she had foreseen it, but even so, she was not prepared for it.

This day never should’ve come, it never should’v~


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