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The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate novel Chapter 6

Quinn laid in her room for hours too long, and when she finally decided to open the door for food, evening had rained down on the land. The sun wasn’t bright anymore, the light was dull, much like Quinn’s mood.

In the kitchen, she found the food her mother had cooked for dinner; rice and stewed meat. She shared herself a plate and then locked herself back in her room. Her father wasn’t back as yet, so there was nobody for her to talk to…all she could do was get lost in lugubrious and self-degrading thoughts over and over again.

She thought about Jeo, she thought about Delilah…and she thought about herself. She was the beta of this pack now, in order to carry out her duty well, she’d have to stay by the alpha’s side at almost all times. How would she bear it?

How would she stand in the presence of Jeo and not feel heartache? Should she have refused his proposal and become a rogue? Should she hav~?

Quinn placed her spoon back in the plate when familiar scents graced her nostrils…that of her father, her sister and that of Jeo.

The food in her mouth, she swallowed it, slowly standing to her feet…what was this? Why were all three of them here at the same time?

On the bed, she placed her plate and then walked out of the bedroom. She then walked to the front door, meeting her mother there. She’d already opened the door, looking out at the three people a distance away.

“I don’t want you any closer to my house…stay here while my daughter takes whatever she came here for.” It was Derrick’s voice, ringing angrily through the silence.

Jeo did not respond, instead he leant against a tree and nodded towards Delilah who smiled innocently at him. She turned towards the house, breathing deeply before walking towards it. Was she coming for her clothes? Was she officially moving in with Jeo tonight? In that house he’d said to have built for her?

Quinn ignored the pain that appeared in her heart, turning and walking back into the room. It didn’t matter…they weren’t together anymore…she wasn’t his mate anymore.

She sat back down on the bed, picking up her plate of food again and eating. She continued to mindlessly do so until Delilah finally walked into the room, closing the door behind her.

Quinn didn’t up look at her, she kept her eyes on her food.

“I’m just gonna…gonna take a few of my things…” The words were whispered lowly, breathy and hoarse, as if she was close to tears.

“Don’t mind me, you can pretend as though I’m not here just as you did when you were seducing my husband…”

“Quinn I…I told you I’m sorry.”

“Right…” Quinn laughed humorlessly. “I bet you are…I’m sorry too, for ever being born with a sister like you and a mate like him.”

“Don’t say that, Quinn…I-I please…we are still sisters, we’re gonna always be sisters.”

Her words were angering Quinn, she wanted to play the good sister now after what she’d done…? “No, we stopped being sisters the night you decided on making my mate yours.”

“But Quinn I…” Her voice was breaking, she was crying…Quinn didn’t have to look at her to know that. But why was she the one crying when Quinn was hurting the most? “I never wanted to do it…I didn’t want to hurt you…or maybe…maybe…”

She paused for a while, clearing her throat and sniffling her nose. “Or maybe I did. You don’t understand how I feel. I had a crush on him first, and yet you were the one mated to him. I was always looked down on by you and by everyone for being like mother; for being the omega, and you were always praised for being a beta. You were always too confident, you had everything and I had nothing…and now when I’ve finally acquired something valuable, I shouldn’t take it?”

Quinn’s eyes twitched as she finally looked up, staring at her sister with murderous eyes. The first thing she noticed was her wet face and then the blatant mark Jeo had left on her neck.


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