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The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate novel Chapter 9

Quinn walked her way into the celebration house, the party had already started. She had heard the music booming from outside, but now that she was inside, the beat was pounding heavier against her ears. The disco lights were bright, and the room was full of people; all dressed elegantly for the occasion.

The waiters were dressed in white and black and so were the two bartenders that stood behind the counter at the bar. Quinn walked over to the bar, folding her dress between her legs as she sat down. “A dirty martini, make it strong.”

It’s been a while since she drank, but she’d always been a woman who could hold her liquor, and right now she needed a drink. Tonight, she wanted to forget all about Jeo, Delilah and the pack members, and enjoy herself, and what better way to forget than to get high?

She took the drink when the bartender offered it to her, taking a sip of the bitter liquid. It burnt her throat as it went down, settling warmly in the pit of her stomach. She took another sip and then another, not stopping until the glass was empty. “Give me another one…stronger.”

“As you wish, madam beta.” The bartender filled her glass again and pushed it to her, but before she could take it up, somebody else did. “Thanks for the drink…”

The voice was deep, withholding confidence and power. Quinn twisted on the stool, looking up at the man who had her drink in hand. His scent was strong, the scent of apricot and petrichor was almost all she could smell. It clogged her nostrils, dominating her senses in a way that she could not ignore. His presence was vehement, and Quinn knew exactly why…he was an alpha; a strong one at that.

His figure stood tall, probably even taller than Jeo’s, and it was impossible, but in Quinn’s eyes, he even seemed more handsome too. His eyes were fierce, piercing so deep into her soul that it gave her chills, what was this? Who was he?

Her lips quivered as her eyes dropped to her drink. “That’s mine.”

“And would you mind if I take it?” He took a seat on the stool beside hers, taking a sip from the glass even before she approved it. “You’re Quinn, aren’t you? The redhead that stole the night even before it started.”

“I am Quinn, at least that part is true.”

“I’ve heard of you, the confident and alluring Quinn Felon. The rumors never lied; you are as beautiful as they say.” He smirked, taking another sip of the drink. “You made an impression since the very moment you walked in, and you didn’t even notice.”

His words were clear enough for her to hear, and yet Quinn was still lost. She couldn’t understand it. How was it that this man was wearing a suit of black, and yet he stood out more than the people in colored? “I’m glad you’ve heard of me, but who are you? If my guess is right, then you’re Zayd Novak; the alpha king of the wounded moon pack.”

“Woah…! Did I leave an impression too?”


Quinn tapped the table, seeking the bartender’s attention. “Give me another drink.”


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