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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 35

Nyx's pov

             I didn't know if to panic at the unclear sight of Lycus pinning the old man whom I had never seen before to the wall. Their words were all mumbled up to my hearing and I couldn't even see them well as my eyesight was foggy. I tried regaining my senses as I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them again.

I mustered enough strength to sit up on the bed which I laid on but it wasn't successful as I fell back on it, I decided to strain my ears to know what exactly was going on as I listened to their conversation.

"How dare you xerxes?!" My mate growled squeezing the man's neck, he gasped for air and I had begun to fear for him, "What the fuck were you thinking?!"

"It was just a joke." The older man wheezed as the hand around his neck tightened, "forgive me please."

"Why the fuck did you tell me she was dead?" Lycus didn't look like he was forgiving him anytime soon and are they talking about me? "I could end you!"

"I do not think that would be a very wise decision." The man said and Lycus heaved a sigh before releasing his hold on him and he fell to the floor.

The man stood up and picked a walking stick which I hadn't noticed earlier while Lycus turned to me. He stared at me and I returned the gesture, his eyes raked down my body darkening and it was then I realised that I was naked. I blushed while I quickly drew the covers back covering my body.

"You are awake." He said strolling towards the bed, his gaze not leaving me.

"Isn't it obvious that she is?" The old man rolled his eyes and Lycus immediately sent him a glare that got him cowering away.

"How are you feeling?" He asked sitting really close to me on the bed, I flinched, distancing myself away from him and I saw a hurt expression overcome his features which he immediately masked.

"I..a..m..fi..ne."  I stuttered unintentionally and he quirked a brow at me. Stuttering again Nyx? I chided myself. He moved closer to me but this time, I didn't move away. He took my face in his palms assessing me as if trying to check if I was actually fine.

"Come Xerxes." He signalled to the old man who had been standing some feet from us watching us with a smirk on his lips, "He is the pack's healer." Lycus told me.

I watched as the man approached hunched on his stick. He had long brown hair and pale skin with bright blue eyes. He reached the bed and signalled for Lycus to get up which he did without hesitation.

The man peered at me intently as I returned his gaze wondering what he was doing, "Can you sense your wolf?" He asked me and I nodded. I could sense Hera but we hadn't talked since I regained consciousness, "How do you feel physically?"

"Weak." I groaned, "But my wounds do not ache as much." I added with a small smile and he nodded his head.

"Why did you collapse at the office?" I asked Lycus as he sat back down on the bed.

"It's nothing." He frowned.

"It's something." The healer chimed in.

"It is none of her business."

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