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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 32

Lycus's pov

               Everything seemed foggy around me as soon as I opened my eyes. I blinked severally trying to get a clear vision of where I was. I was met with the sight of familiar ceilings, smoky atmosphere and my nostrils were filled with pungent smell. I wheezed as smoke made its way into my nose. 

I flung off the covers that were laid on me and struggled to get off the bed. I was shirtless, why was I shirtless? Where the fuck am I? My head banged as I stood on my feet, they were wobbly and I felt light headed. The room was dark but I could see nonetheless as I had extra vision as an Alpha.

Spyro are you there? I tried communicating my wolf, can you hear me?

yes I can, He answered, where are we? And where the fuck is my Nyx?

I froze at his words, Nyx? Where was she? Images of what I could recall began flooding in my head. I remembered the passionate moment we had shared, me ravishing her sweet core and how I made her  cum and after that I remember hugging her before falling into unconsciousness.

The door opened interrupting my thoughts and in walked who I had guessed it was from the way the room was.

"Your highness." He said bowing before me as soon as he entered, "You might want to sit down, you need to rest." He walked towards me hunched on his walking stick.

"Xerxes." I called his name with a nod while I sat back down on the bed, "What happened to me?"

He walked over to me, dropped his stick and held my head in his hands, "Can you sense your wolf?" He asked.

"Yes." I nodded in affirmative.

"Good, that means he wasn't affected then." He said and I was puzzled.

"Speak clearly, do not confuse your King." 

He let go of my head with a smirk and stepped back taking his stick, "I see you have found your mate, my king."

"No." I lied, no one was to know I had found her, how did he ever know?

you are such an idiot! Spyro cursed at me.

"Don't lie to your healer, my King." He smirked at me and I sighed in defeat, "You will want to tell me the truth."

"Yes, I have found her." I said, "What has that got to do with what happened to me?"

He walked further away from me towards some shelves where he stretched, took down a bottle and returned to where I was.

"What do you want to do with an empty bottle?" I asked him.

"Oh this, I might need it later." He dropped it on a small bench next to us.

"So what exactly happened?"

"You are bewitched!" He said to me and I wasn't shocked at his revelation, "A type of spell has been cast on you."

"What type?"

"The type that causes one to hate his mate." He said, "And the bad thing is, it will drain your energy making you really weak, that is the side effect of the spell cast on you." He explained, "The good thing is your wolf was too strong for the spell to take over him and so it only affected you."

"How does the spell work? Why did it affect me and not spyro?" I asked trying to make sense from his last statement.

"The spell works when you already have pending hatred towards what the person who casted the spell wants you to hate." He answered my question tapping the end of his stick where my heart was, "Tell me more about this mate of yours."

"She is exactly like the one before her and they both appeared in the same manner." I said and he hummed.

"That doesn't mean she is like her."

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