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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 36


Nyx's pov

              I walked through the hallways, down the familiar staircase and straight towards the kitchen. The mumbles of the pack members having dinner in the kitchen got louder as I neared the door way. I got to it soon and all mumbling stopped as they noticed my presence, my breath hitched in my throat as all eyes turned towards me.

I stood there frozen in my spot as time seemed to stop, were they going to attack me? Cuss at me? Insult me? Throw things at me? I began to wobble a bit at my thoughts of what they might do till they all decided to suddenly turn back to their dinner.

I let out a breath of relief and silently scanned the crowd for Andros, he wasn't there. I was about to move further when I felt a touch at my back and I was suddenly pulled into a body causing me to yelp.

"Relax Nyx, it's me." The person said and I realised it was Andros. I quickly turned around hugging him tightly as I had missed him and our conversations, "I missed you so much." He said rubbing my hair as he sniffed in my scent. 

"I missed you too." I smiled up at him and I felt Hera grumble at the over familiarity. I shifted away from him as the thought of someone seeing us crept in my mind but all the others present seemed too interested in their meals to pay us heed.

"Come." He said taking my hand in his as he led me through the kitchen and out of it into the back. He led me to a tree, it was a smaller one this time and not the usual tree we hung out at.

"I am sorry about what happened to you." He said as soon as we sat under it, " You didn't deserve to be treated that way." He held my hands in his caressing them, "I wish I could protect you."

"It isn't your fault Andros." I mumbled, "It's all mine, if I try to be less hated I wouldn't get in trouble."

"Don't say that Nyx." He frowned at my words, "Who wouldn't love you?" 

"Well my mate, for a start." I said giggling dryly as I tried to laugh off the horrible fact that Lycus wanted nothing to do with me, "Do you know why everyone was staring at me like that, back at the kitchen?"

"Cause you are very pretty." He smiled brushing a lock of hair from my face. I blushed beet red at his action and compliment.

"Thank you." I said, "I am being serious though." I continued, "They just stared at me without a word of insult or an attack attempt."

"It's cause Lycus may have kinda warned them all to stay away from you." He said and I was shocked at his statement.

"He did that?" I asked as it was hard to believe.

"Yes, he did." Andros sighed, "He was really mad at everyone of the elders including the Beta for what they had put you through."

See! I always knew that mate cared, Hera purred excitedly at the back of my head on hearing Andros's words.

I snorted at her and shifted my attention back to the man before me, "But he hates me."

He hummed, "How are you feeling now? Have your wounds healed?" 

"Not all too well." I sighed, "But I am good."

"That's good to know." He held onto my hands tightly and I felt something pass through me, he was trying to sooth my present pains and my heart warmed at how much he cared, "Feel much better now?" He asked and I nodded which made him smile.

We sat there for a while chatting about random things and I was really enjoying his company.

"Nyx, can I ask you something?" He said and I nodded giving him a go ahead.

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