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The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf novel Chapter 145


The Celestial Dimension

The Celestial world consists of many realms and kingdoms, home to each deity. Each domain is made from enormous clusters of many different coloured crystals. Some are firmly set on the land, while others are on floating islands that connect with stone bridges. Each celestial home is just as beautiful as the next. Different colour orbs swim throughout ponds and rivers. The air glistens as if it’s always raining sparkles. There is no sun, which reveals millions of stars in the sky. Some planets are so close that it looks like the worlds will collide, but they never do. Even though there is no sun, the sky has an ongoing aurora that forever emits a glowing light. We know when the new day begins as the aurora changes colour at day’s end. The Celestial world is so vast it can take months to travel to the other side. This is great for deities that don’t get along since they never die. They can instead stay many moons away from each other.

Gods and Goddesses thrive from being worshipped and acknowledged. It makes them more powerful and popular in the Celestial world. It’s forbidden for them to kill life in other dimensions. The punishment for doing so is to be banished and sealed away by the other deities for eternity.

The moon goddess who lives east of the Celestial world is the most envied and popular there. Her kindness, beauty and grace draw many deities to spend their time with her in her magical kingdom. Walls of green vines and flowers of many colours, so large, drape the outside crystal walls of her kingdom. Stepping stones hover above the violet, soft grass. Adorable creatures play and explore her realm. Rabbits with antlers, Owls that glow, cats with wings. The ground ripples like water as you walk amongst the soft velvet ground. In Selene’s grand hall, the entire floor is made using tiny mosaic tiles that are intricately placed, creating the most beautiful pattern of the moon.

A table made from iridescent blue moonstone is at the back of the hall with a matching chair on which Selene sits. The other seats are made from other solid crystals in different colours for her guests. Valkrim, Ogrun and Cerridwen have always been her closest friends, who all sit at the table, conversing and drinking wine with her. The walls are painted with liquid gold, and the ceiling is transparent, allowing one to stare at the stars and planets floating by. The reflection from the coloured aurora dances across the mosaic floor, adding the final touch of charm.


I sit silently, despising all the attention my sister Selene receives. Sipping my wine amongst the deities, I am ignored. I continue to glare at Selene while the others give her their undivided attention. I envy her long white hair and crystal blue eyes. The only feature we both share is our fair skin tone.

In comparison, I have long black hair and green eyes. Everyone says we are both extremely beautiful and flawless, but ! don’t see the beauty when I look at myself. I only see beauty when I stare at Selene. Maybe the resentment I have grown towards my sister has overshadowed my senses? The other gods and goddesses are always uncomfortable and try to avoid conversation with me.

Over time I would visit my sister less frequently, even though she insisted I come over each day. I refused, so Selene decided to come to my domain unannounced.

‘Leave!’ I shout, causing sharp black crystals to sprout from the ground around her.

Selene gasps, Atlanta, this is unlike you. What has caused this hostility towards me? We used to be so happy, and now! never see you,

“You and the rest of the deities have made me this way. No one respects me, Selene. They are all too busy trying to keep your attention to themselves,’ I pause and let out a manic laugh, ‘My status is ironic, don’t you think, sweet sister? Goddess of night, I’m nothing but a dark presence to everyone, a shadow, a cryptic nightmare everyone wants to wake up from! I say, intensifying my glare at Selene,

‘Atlanta, that’s not true. You are the light in my life,

I scoil, ‘Please, spare your words, sweet sister. You are everyone’s light, the sweetest dream no one wants to wake from.

Your words might be a sweet song to others, but to me, wreak of venom, Selene takes a step towards me with a sorrowful look, Atlanta, please,’ she says.

I told you to leave!’ I yell, causing a wave of shadows to repel Selene back. More black crystals extend from the ground, creating a dome around my realm, preventing anyone from entering my realm.

Selene emits a glowing light from her hands that dissipates my wave of shadows. Then, saddened that she may never see me again, she stops and turns for a moment staring at the vast dome of black crystal.

‘No matter how much darkness consumes you, little sister. The spark of light within your heart will always shine’ With those last words, Selene walks away.

A thousand years have passed, and I have only grown more hate and resentment towards my sister and the other deities. Deciding it’s time to leave my domain, I visit Aria, the Goddess of air. She tells me my sister Selene, Ogrun, Valkrim, Cerridwen and other deities decided to create a new world since so many were destroyed by Thypon long ago.

Chapter 145 1

Chapter 145 2

Chapter 145 3


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