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The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf novel Chapter 148

Chapter 148 

Although I’m extremely mad at Magnus and Alec, I can’t help but notice the big grin on the guard’s face at Kadva’s announcement. The witches all have their mouths gaped open. I turn and see everyone is still and quiet. Poor Kadva scratches the back of his head nervously.

‘Well, where’s the music, and what are you all looking at? You all act as if you’ve never seen a gay mage before I say, Taking Kadva’s hand, I pull him back to where we were dancing and glare at the musicians, who start up the instruments. Others begin to sing and dance again as Kadva, and I continue our dance. Everything has returned to how it was before, except for Magnus and Alec sitting there elbowing each other and arguing, blaming each other for what had just occurred.

The dance ends.

‘I think a certain man is trying to get your attention?’ I say.

Kadva looks at the guard, who still has his eyes and smile on Kadva and nods.

‘I’m too nervous. I wouldn’t even know what to say,

‘Pour a couple of goblets with wine, offer him one, and go from there?

‘Good idea, thanks, Luna, he says and walks over to the barrel of wine and fills two goblets.

My eyes are now on my troublesome two lovers. I march over, hands-on-hips and sit opposite them.

The elbowing stops, and they look down at their hands with guilt.

‘So, which one of you are going to apologise first?’ | ask.

Magnus is the first to speak, ‘I’m sorry, really sorry. I thought Kadva was making moves on you, I swear. If I had known you weren’t his preference, I would not have taken it in the way I did

I’m sorry for taking Magnus’s word for it. I will treat anything he says to me in future as a blatant lie, Alec says.

Magnus glares at Alec, ‘I’m not a liar! I just misjudged what I saw, he growls,

‘Well, I think you both also owe Kadva an apology, I reply.

We look towards Kadva, who is now making out with the guard against a stone wall.

‘I think Kadva has happily moved on, Alec smirks.

‘Regardless, you two will still apologise as soon as you can I order.

‘Yes, Luna,’ ‘Yes, My Queen.’ They say at the same time.

‘Now, which one of you is going to dance with me?’

Magnus shoves Alec to the side, jumps over the table, takes my hand and pulls me into the crowd, and we dance while Alec stares daggers at Magnus.

My parents arrive with Ryker, Astrid, Flint, Josie, and the Wolfwell pack. I notice Quinn hiding under a table. She cheekily pulls faces at me and sticks her tongue out.

Reaper now sits upon Alec’s shoulder. It’s obvious they are mind-linking.

‘What are you two conspiring?’ I say, joining in the mind-link whilst dancing with Magnus.

Just contemplating how we can get rid of Magnus, Reaper says.


‘What? You asked, he says.

‘If anyone should be contemplating anything, it should be me figuring out what I’m to do with you two, Tretort.

Alec laughs but stiffens as my parents sit on either side of Him.

It’s now me laughing as I hear my parents asking Alec if he has been doing right by me and taking care of me.

‘Sucker,’ i mind-link him.


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